Fast Breaking News From... The Free State Justice Campaign P.O. Box 13221, Baltimore, MD 21203 (410) 837-5445 We wanted to let all of our members, supporters, and friends know that the Free State justice Campaign (FSJC) is back, ready for the 1994 Legislative Session! Our legislative goal is to pass a lesbian, gay and bisexual civil rights bill in 1994. Although 1993 did not bring passage of the Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual civil rights bill in Annapolis, the FSJC accomplished several important tasks: * Our research committee developed effective materials that carefully documented cases of discrimination and issues surrounding the civil rights bill. This research was presented to legislators. * Our legislative committee organized two hearings on the bill in the legislature. Witnesses from all parts of the state gave testimony. We presented credible, compelling arguments for the bill. * The membership in FSJC grew to over 400. You provided hundreds of letters and phone calls to legislators at crucial times during the session. Members of the Senate judiciary Committee and the House judicial Proceedings Committee got the message -- you wanted HB 1329 passed out of committee. In June, the steering committee held a retreat in Annapolis to consider the course of FSJC in 1993-94. This year FSJC will again take our issues to the legislature. Over the summer the legislative committee has been lining up sponsors in the House of Delegates and the Senate. At the Baltimore, Washington, and Montgomery County Pride Days, FSJC volunteers gathered names to help build the constituent base of FSJC. We thank all of you've who signed up. We need you, because in your home towns with your legislators, you'll make the difference for the civil rights bill. The FSJC has developed an ambitious budget and spending plan. Over the next four months we need to raise $25,000. Here's what that money will do for you: We plan to have a full-time lobbyist in Annapolis, working on our bill all the time. We will have a voice in what goes on in Annapolis. The FSJC plans to do grassroots organizing that will help you and other lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and allies in your community make your voice heard in Annapolis. We are scheduling special activities, social events, house parties, and political forums, across Maryland so that you can meet other activists and hear first hand about the bill and its progress. The FSJC will keep you up to date on the civil rights bill's progress. 1994 is our best year to pass the bill in the legislature. With your visits, letters, and calls to your legislators during this election year, we can pass a lesbian, gay, and bisexual civil rights bill. * We want to provide you with opport0unities to volunteer in the fight for civil rights. We need people to - stuff envelopes - serve as phone tree captains - write letters to legislators - phone legislators - hold house party fundraisers - assist at special events - participate in rallies and protests. Let us know what you can do, because we need your help. Our plans are ambitious. But we've come a long way in 1993 with your help. In 1994, we're going the whole distance. To do that, we need help on two things: Free State Justice Campaign FIRST, we need information from you so that we can serve you well in Annapolis. Please take the time to fill out the enclosed questionnaire and return it. SECOND, we need you to continue your financial support of the Free State Justice Campaign. If you renew your single membership of $20 or fan-dly membership of $30, your support will raise nearly a third of what we require for next year. Of course, you can give more than that, too. Whether you give a little or a lot, any contribution makes a difference in fighting against bigotry and for the dignity of our community. We appreciate the efforts you made in 1993, and we ask you to continue with us in our fight. We're going to win this one in 1994! ---------------------PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY --------------------- Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Telephone, Day: Telephone, Evening: State Legislative District: (Look at your voter registration card) __ Contact me about volunteer opportunities! __ Do not exchange my address with other groups. Here is my contribution, payable to FSJC: __ $500 (Sponsor) __ $150 (Advocate) __ $60 (Activist) __ $30 (Family Membership) __ $20 (Member) __ $5 (Student or Low Income) __ $___ (Other) Contributions to FSJC are not tax-deductible. Free State Justice Campaign 1.What issues affecting lesbians, gays, and bisexuals do you think the Free State justice Campaign should be taking to the legislature? 2.What kinds of assistance (if any) do you want from the FSJC in your community: providing speakers, helping with house party fundraisers, organizing a special event or political forum, putting together a phone tree? 3.The FSJC needs volunteers. Can you help us? What special skills do you have that would be useful for us? 4.Which legislators do you know? Would you personally visit them to talk about the lesbian, gay, and bisexual civil rights bill? 5.What religious, social, or political, organizations do you belong to that would support a civil rights bill protecting lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals? Please retum this questionnaire with your membership form to: Free State justice Campaign, P.O. Box 13221, Baltimore, ND 21203  - Bob Summersgill | Xq28 -- Thanks Mom! XE605C @ GWUVM.GWU.EDU |