Date: Tue, 29 Mar 1994 16:25:33 EST Reply-To: dionisio@INFINET.COM Subject: "Dragger" drug off to jail [ Send replies to dionisio@INFINET.COM --Ed. ] KENTUCKY OFFICIALS FIND STUDENT'S ATTIRE A DRAG LOUISVILLE, Kentucky (Reuter) (3-25-94) - A male high school senior who wanted to make a point about being gay was arrested and jailed after showing up at school in drag. Senior John Paul Poynter, 18, explained he came to school dressed in an ankle-length embroidered black dress with a side split, black low-heeled shoes, pantyhose and a wig, to make a statement about his homosexuality and his right to openly express his true feelings. ``I wore the dress because I wanted to be myself," said Poynter. ``It was just a way to say this is another side of me." But school authorities were not impressed with his expression of his individuality. They countered with a suspension, saying his dress disrupted the educational process. Authorities also cited concern for the teen-ager's safety, after students alternately jeered, applauded, touched or taunted him. Said another student, fellow senior Edwin Bradley: ``I don't think he should have been arrested. He was just minding his own business. But everybody was messing with him. People were laughing at him and pulling his wig off. Then the police showed up at lunch and arrested him." Poynter was charged with third degree criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct after refusing to leave the school grounds. He was arrested and spent the night in jail. At his arraignment Friday morning he was assigned an attorney and released on his own recognizance.