Date: Sat, 5 Aug 1995 21:34:54 -0500 From: Kevyn Jacobs To: Kansas Queer News Subject: (WICHITA) The Center Holds Self-Defense Classes FROM THE NEWS-TELEGRAPH JULY 28 - AUGUST 10, 1995 ========================= CENTER HOLDS SELF-DEFENSE CLASSES WICHITA KS-The Wichita Les/Bi/Gay Community Center is holding self-defense classes on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7pm. The classes are sponsored by the Wichita Free University. The fee is $40. For more information, call 316/261-7493. ========================================================== Permission granted by the News-Telegraph for distribution to the KQN email list (, and archiving in the Queer Resources Directory (QRD) on the Internet ( For News-Telegraph subscription information (published twice a month), please call 1.816.561.6266, or email: ==========================================================