Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 15:54:27 -0600 From: Kevyn Jacobs To: Multiple recipients of list GLB-NEWS Subject: TOPEKA C-J: MAYA WON'T MAKE UP PHELPS-CANCELLED PERFORMANCE FROM THE TOPEKA CAPITAL-JOURNAL TOPEKA, KANSAS, USA TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1995 ================================== MAYA ANGELOU DOESN'T PLAN TO VISIT ESU The Associated Press EMPORIA--Poet Maya Angelou, who postponed a visit to Emporia State University last year after a run-in with anti-gay activist Fred Phelps, won't reschedule the appearance this spring, school officials said. Angelou's agency, Dave Le Camera Lordly and Dame Inc. of Boston, cited scheduling conflicts in declining invitation, said Paul Putman, assistant director of student organizations and activities at Emporia State. "Apparently she didn't see it as priority to come back," said Putman, who added that he didn't think the Phelps protest was a major factor in last week's decision. "We're just all very disappointed." Angelou's agent at Lordly an Dame did not immediately return a phone call Monday. Angelou, who read at the inauguration of President Bill Clinton in 1993, was scheduled to appear be fore a sold-out audience at Emporia State last Nov. 14. She postponed the reading after a appearance the previous night in Topeka where Phelps, pastor of Topeka's Westboro Baptist Church, and some of his followers surrounded her limousine and taunted her with anti-gay remarks. Emporia State officials had expected Angelou would reschedule her appearance at the university this semester. Only one-fifth of the 1,281 tickets sold for "An Evening with Maya Angelou" were returned for refunds.