Date: Sun, 27 Nov 1994 09:50:25 -0600 (CST) From: Kevyn Jacobs Subject: ANTI-PHELPS FORCES ORGANIZE ANTI-PHELPS FORCES ORGANIZE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1994 REPRINTED WITHOUT PERMISSION ============================ KANSAS CITY, MO (AP) - The first organized opposition to the virulent gay-bashing of Topeka, Kan. minister Fred Phelps began Saturday when members of more than 70 groups met inside a midtown church as Phelps and about a dozen followers picketed. The impetus for the formation of the group by two suburban Kansas City women was Phelps' Nov.13 attack on poet Maya Angelou, who spoke at President Clinton's inauguration. Phelps and his group surrounded her limousine after an appearance in Topeka and taunted her with anti-homosexual remarks. Angelou then canceled an appearance at Emporia State.