Date: Mon, 13 Feb 1995 12:22:59 -0600 (CST) From: Kevyn Jacobs Subject: Manhattan School Board Questionnaire Friends: What follows is the questionnaire that the Flint Hills Mainstream Coalition sent out to the candidates running for USD 383 School Board. We hope to have the results of this survey available at the school board candidates' forum THIS SUNDAY, February 19, at 1:30 pm. at the Ecumenical Campus Ministries Building, 1021 Denison Ave in Manhattan. I sincerely hope you can make it to this forum. ==================================================== Flint Hills Mainstream Coalition February 8, 1995 Dear USD #383 Candidate: The Flint Hills Mainstream Coalition invites you to a USD #383 Candidate Forum on February 19 at 1:30 p.m. at the Ecumenical Campus Ministry, 1021 Denison. The Flint Hills Mainstream Coalition draws its membership from all political parties, K-State, representatives of local business, various religious groups, and parents of USD #383 students. We ask you to fill out the enclosed questionnaire in advance so you can respond to the questions at the forum. Please return the questionnaire no later than 5:00 p.m., Thursday, February 16. You will find a self-addressed, stamped envelope enclosed for your convenience. If you are unable to attend, we encourage you to send a representative to participate in the forum. We realize some of these are complex issues, but with the number of candidates we must limit responses at the forum to a minute and a half per question. We want to have some time at the end of the forum for questions from the audience. We hope you will see this forum as an opportunity to share your views on issues important to our schools. Sincerely, Forum Committee Chair =================================================== FLINT HILLS MAINSTREAM COALITION USD #383 CANDIDATE FORUM QUESTIONNAIRE Dear USD 383 Candidate: We appreciate you taking the time to respond to a number of issues which pertain to USD #383. We ask that you check either "yes" or "no" for each inquiry, and we have left room for further clarification or comment on each set of queries. Please limit your comments to 50 words. You will have an opportunity to expand on your answers at the forum. It is our intent to share your views on these issues with those interested in education, as well as through the local media. In order for the information to be timely, we request that you have the questionnaire returned to us by 5:00 p.m., Thursday, February 16. Thank you. QUESTIONS: 1. Do you support age-appropriate sex education which includes: a. discussion of contraception? Yes No b. discussion of abortion? Yes No c. discussion of AIDS? Yes No d. discussion of abstinence as the best protection against disease and pregnancy? Yes No e. promotion of abstinence as the only acceptable protection against disease and pregnancy before marriage? Yes No Comments: 2. Do you support teaching in science classes of: a. the Biblical account of creation or creationism? Yes No b. the scientific theory of evolution? Yes No c. both? Yes No Comments: 3. Do you support during classes or at school events: a. school-sponsored prayer? Yes No b. student-led prayer? Yes No c. compulsory silent period? Yes No d. no prayer or compulsory silent period? Yes No Comments: 4. Do you support the discussion of TOLERANCE for lifestyles, such as: a. single parent households? Yes No b. interracial households? Yes No c. homosexual households? Yes No d. unmarried heterosexual households? Yes No Comments: 5. Do you think the Quality Program Accreditation (QPA) model for school improvement: a. should be modified? Yes No b. should be continued in its present form? Yes No c. should be discarded? Yes No Comments: 6. Do you support a school voucher system which would permit students to attend: a. private schools with public monies? Yes No b. any public school of their choice? Yes No c. no voucher system? Yes No Comments: There are many issues that rest with our locally-elected school board members to decide. Are there specific issue(s) you believe need priority attention? If so, please list and/or explain in 100 words or less. Again, thank you for your time in completing this questionnaire.