Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 20:49:34 -0500 (CDT) From: Kevyn D Jacobs Subject: WE are EVERYWHERE - Including Manhattan High School! ------------------------------------- FROM THE MANHATTAN HIGH SCHOOL MENTOR, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1994 REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION ------------------------------------- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR HOMOSEXUALS SHOULD HAVE FAIR TREATMENT To the editor: Over the past two years events took place that changed my life. Finding out about myself, coming to terms with it, and the memory of Lisa Byers has made me come to the decision to fight for equal rights. Like millions of other people, I am gay. Homosexuality is a word that stirs emotions, good and bad. In the modern world, the battle for equality been forgetting about many minorities. I could provide a long list here, but it is unnecessary. But, unlike other minorities, gays, lesbians and bisexuals are for the most part unaccepted by society on a grand scale. Almost everyday I hear or see discrimination against gays, lesbians and bisexuals. Flipping the coin over, I am proud to say that we have come a long way - or perhaps I should say we are just getting started. Also this summer was Gay Games '94. This was the fourth time the Gay Games were put together, and homosexuals and bisexuals came from all over the world to watch and participate in the week-long event. I also see us a s being accepted more with the installation of the Safe Zone project at Emporia State, and I see it in my friends who accept me for who I am. There are a few things we need to fix and watch out for, though. In over 90 percent of the U.S., it is illegal to perform or receive oral or anal sex. Obviously, this was brought into effect to stop homosexuality. These laws are still on the books. And just recently, the U.S. senate passed a bill that cuts funds to school that offer homosexuality as an alternate lifestyle. They can't say it's OK; they can't even hand out pamphlets about it unless they say homosexuality is wrong. I consider this to be political gay bashing. I hope that every teen gay suicide haunts these legislators until the day they die, just like the memory of Lisa Byers haunts me. Name Withheld ============================================== Reprinted to the QRD with Verbal Permission of Penny Wika, Mentor Faculty Advisor Kevyn Jacobs, 10.26.94