Date: Sun, 6 Nov 1994 13:55:03 -0600 (CST) From: Kevyn Jacobs Subject: MERCURY LETTER: ANN & SHEILA HUNG UP ON FAMILY VALUES FROM THE MANHATTAN MERCURY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1994 ============================ Letters to the Editor --------------------- ANN AND SHEILA HUNG UP ON TRADITIONAL FAMILIES To The Editor: Everyone in the 66th District has been touting family values. It seems that everyone has a different definition of what those values should be. In fact some of us have different definitions of what a family is. Most people would agree that a family is made up of a group of people, sometimes as few as two, who cohabitate in a loving, domestic atmosphere. People who work together to be self sustaining and ultimately to be happy. Unfortunately in our backward, bigoted community this basic right to happiness is only given to heterosexual couples and the people who live with them. Where are the rights and laws to protect the rest of the community? One out of 10 people in the United States is gay or lesbian. Oh my god, there are queers in Manhattan. Yes, they are here and they deserve the same rights to a family as the rest of us. The Constitution of the United States says that all men are created equal. Not just heterosexual men but all men. Now is the time to live up to what our forefathers had intended. 1. Work to repeal sodomy laws. 2. Work to create anti-discrimination laws in Kansas. 3. Create domestic partnership laws. 4. Stop hate crimes. Come on Ann & Sheila. There are more gays and lesbians in the 66th district than you may think, and they vote. Stand up for something besides your wimpy family values and show us if you can really make a difference. With love and support for the gays & lesbians in community. Madge Carmichael 3001 Amherst Ave.