Date: Wed, 2 Aug 1995 18:59:23 -0500 (CDT) From: Kevyn Jacobs To: "Kansas Queer News [KQN]" Subject: (USA, KANSAS & MISSOURI) Activists Convene at Unity Summit FROM THE NEWS-TELEGRAPH JULY 28 - AUGUST 10, 1995 ========================= ACTIVISTS CONVENE AT UNITY SUMMIT KANSAS CITY-Activists meeting here in mid-July to discuss fighting the Theocratic campaign in Missouri and Kansas, refined a network for political activism in Missouri and Kansas. At the second Network for Unity and Tolerance Summit since April, activists met to strengthen the network opposing the radical right and organize a training program for volunteers. A third summit is set for September. The summit began with speeches from leaders in the progressive movement, including Missouri State Representative Lloyd Daniels, who discussed affirmative action and the US Supreme Court's recent ruling on it and representatives from Kansas' Mainstream Coa lition and Missouri Progressive Vote. In the afternoon, activists held workshops on subjects such as political action and responding to the hate rhetoric on radio talk shows, one of the more interesting discussions at the summit. Activists learned, for example, that responding to hate radio is not as simple as calling to argue. The first step in responding is getting past the program screener, the employee whose job is to field calls for the host, to find the most interesting call ers. Mobilization for Survival, a Milwaukee based organization, has published several tips on responding to hate rhetoric. To get to the talk show host, the group advises callers to be succinct, focus on issues rather than personal experience and remember talk radio is "entertaining" not "journalism" when talking with the screener. In talking with the host, the group advises callers to pick-up inconsistencies, use humor, draw from personal experience, work through anger before calling and consider it a vi ctory if the host unleashes insults. ========================================================== Permission granted by the News-Telegraph for distribution to the KQN email list (, and archiving in the Queer Resources Directory (QRD) on the Internet ( For News-Telegraph subscription information (published twice a month), please call 1.816.561.6266, or email: ==========================================================