Date: Mon, 10 Oct 1994 17:59:16 -0500 (CDT) To: Equality Kansas From: Kevyn D Jacobs Subject: PCAL POLL RELEASED BY DOUG GLAZE Kansans Support Equal Rights for Lesbians and Gays, According to Poll Pro-Choice Action League has strived to be a rational voice for reproductive freedom in Kansas. This position was clearly established during the summer of 1991 when Wichita was under siege by Operation Rescue. It was PCAL that directed volunteers to support patients and demonstrate for choice rather than engage in screaming matches and confrontational activities with the anti-choice zealots. The rational voice continued during the 1992 legislative session as we supported and worked for passage of the current compromise abortion statute. The enclosed polling information may be of interest to you. It clearly shows Kansans rejecting the agenda of the extremists. We believe it shows that candidates need not be afraid to address the radical fringe or the social issues head on. Kansans not want the kind of representation that the fringe would give them. The extremists want to deny life-saving information to teens, discrimiate in housing and hiring, legislate religous beliefs, deny individuals the opportunity to sign living wills, and teach an agenda of intolerance. Pro-Choice Action League, founded in 1989, is the largest pro-choice grassroots organization in Kansas with over 15,500 members. Pro-Choice Action League * P.O. Box 3622, Wichita, KS 67201 * 316-681-2121 ************************** (What follows is simply an excerpt from their polling report, which has been edited for purposes of posting here. All other questions were abortion-related. - Doug) *************************** HOW THE POLL WAS CONDUCTED The Political/Media Research Kansas Poll was conducted by Political/Media Research, Inc., of Washington D.C. from June 26 through June 28, 1994. A total of 820 registered Kansas voters were interviewed statewide by phone. All stated they were regular voters in state elections. Those interviewed were selected by random variation of the last four digits of telephone numbers. A cross-section of exchanges were utilized in order to ensure an accurate reflection of the state. Quotas were assigned to reflect the voter registration distribution by county. The margin for error, according to standards customarily used by statisticians, is no more than plus or minus 3.5 points. Sample figures: Men 405 (49%), Women 415 (51%) Democrats 256 (31%), Republicans 364 (44%), Independents 200 (24%) By Congressional Districts: 1st: 204, 2nd: 203, 3rd: 207, 4th: 206 ******************************* QUESTION: In general, do you think homosexuals should or should not have equal rights? *State-wide Should: 63% Should Not: 26% Not Sure: 11% *Men Should: 61% Should Not: 28% Not Sure: 11% *Women: Should: 65% Should Not: 24% Not Sure: 11% *Democrats Should: 72% Should Not: 15% Not Sure: 13% *Republicans Should: 56% Should Not: 35% Not Sure: 9% *Independents Should: 66% Should Not: 23% Not Sure: 11%