/* ---------- "KANSAS (3K)" ---------- */ * * * KANSAS * * * GAIN has also included Washington D.C. office addresses for each congressperson. You can use that address or the following general address when writing to your Representative or Senators. FAX numbers are listed, when available. Please see topic FAX IT WITH INTERACT at the beginning of this conference for information on how to send a fax online easily. Addressing Correspondence TO A SENATOR: TO A REPRESENTATIVE: The Honorable (insert name) The Honorable (insert name) U.S. Senate U.S. House of Representatives Washington D.C. 20510 Washington D.C. 20515 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE Senator Bob Dole (R) Address: Hart Building, Room 141; Washington D.C. 20510; (202) 224-6521 FAX: 202-224-8952 District Office: Topeka 913-295-2745 Committees: Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry, Finance, Rules & Administration, Joint Organization, Joint Transaction Term#: 6th Senator Nancy Landon Kassebaum (R) Address: Russell Building, Room 302; Washington D.C. 20510; (202) 224-4774 FAX: 202-224-3514 District Office: Wichita 316-269-6251 Committees: Foreign Relations, Labor & Human Resources, Select Indian Affairs, Joint Organization Term#: 3rd MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Representative Dan Glickman (D) District #: 4 Address: Rayburn House Office Bldg, Room 2371; Washington D.C. 20515; (202) 225-6216 FAX: 202-225-5398 District Office: Wichita 316-262-8396 Committees: Agriculture, Judiciary, Science, Space & Technology, Select Intelligence* Term#: 9th Representative Jan Meyers (R) District #: 3 Address: Rayburn House Office Bldg, Room 2338; Washington D.C. 20515; (202) 225-2865 FAX: 202-225-0554 District Office: Kansas City 913-621-0832 Committees: Foreign Affairs, Small Business Term#: 5th Representative Pat Roberts (R) District #: 1 Address: Longworth House Office Bldg, Room 1125; Washington D.C. 20515; (202) 225-2715 FAX: 202-225-5375 District Office: Dodge City 316-227-2244 Committees: Agriculture, House Administration, Joint Library, Joint Printing Term#: 7th Representative Jim Slattery (D) District #: 2 Address: Rayburn House Office Bldg, Room 2243; Washington D.C. 20515; (202) 225-6601 FAX: 202-225-1445 District Office: Topeka 913-295-2811 Committees: Energy & Commerce, Veterans' Affairs Term#: 6th