Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 11:18:06 -0500 Reply-To: [ Send all responses to only. Any responses to the list or list-owners will be returned to you. ] February 9, 1995 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Representative Bodies Decry Notre Dame's Gay Policy NOTRE DAME, IN -- Adding to the growing criticism of the University of Notre Dame's decision to bar a group of lesbian and gay students from further use of university facilities, representative bodies have acted to support the group and to condemn the university's policy. The Campus Life Council and the undergraduate Student Senate have this week passed resolutions supporting Gays and Lesbians of Notre Dame and St. Mary's College (GLND/SMC); these actions follow upon a resolution passed last week by Notre Dame's Graduate Student Council. On January 23 the group was informed by officials in the Office of Student Affairs that it would no longer be allowed to use the room in the University Counseling Center where it had been housed for nearly nine years. The university has resisted repeated attempts to the group's effort to gain official recognition as a campus group, but has long allowed it to meet in the counseling center. The university's move has been interpreted as a response to the group's increasing openness and its success in bringing several prominent speakers to the Notre Dame campus, including New Republic editor Andrew Sullivan and "Philadelphia" screenwriter Ron Nyswaner. The undergraduate Student Senate yesterday voted to "strongly condemn the University's action to expel GLND/SMC from campus" and called upon the university to "recognize GLND/SMC as an integral part of the Notre Dame community deserving of all rights and privileges afforded other campus groups." The resolution passed with a 14-1 majority, with one abstention. The Student Senate's action is essentially identical to that taken last week by the Graduate Student Council, where the measure passed 21-0 with two abstentions. On Monday, the Campus Life Council, a body comprised of student government officials, residence hall rectors, faculty members and administrators passed a resolution by a 13-2 margin (with one abstention) "to recognize, support and respect the efforts of GLND/SMC." The council also voted 15-1 to call before it Vice-President for Student Affairs Patricia O'Hara to explain why the GLND/SMC's attempts to gain recognition as a campus group have been repeatedly denied. The council is one of the more powerful on campus, and resolutions passed by a two-thirds majority require a response by the Vice President for Student Affairs within seven days' time. Defeated was a resolution condemning the university's action as many of the members sought to delay a decision until O'Hara had appeared before the council next Monday. The measure failed to get the needed two-thirds majority as eight members voted in favor, three opposed and five abstained. "Americans are more uptight about homosexuality than about any other subject. Being open about homosexuality destroys the possibility of being furtive about sexuality in general. And sexuality in America has always had to be furtive." - James Baldwin "Work your 'do, don't let your 'do work you" - Charlie Robinson