Date: Sat, 3 Dec 1994 13:15:42 -0500 From: David B. O'Donnell To: Multiple recipients of list GLB-NEWS Subject: PANEL DISCUSSION 12/7: "Are You Listening to Me?" [ Send all responses to JJKinyon@AOL.CO only. Any responses to the list or list-owners will be returned to you. ] ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME? Out at Work (or Not), the Chicago-area umbrella organization of lesbian and gay employee groups, will present a panel discussion entitled "Are You Listening to Me?", a frank discussion with Illinois' top executives on their understanding of gay and lesbian employee needs. Three questions will be addressed: > What are corporate officers doing to understand and explore the needs of their gay and lesbian employees? > How do executives deal with negative responses from their peers, subordinates, employees, and customers? > What are the pluses and minuses of being labeled a "gay positive" corporation? The guest speakers will be: > Gary Beu, Director, Human Resources, Arthur Andersen > Bill Clossey, Corporate VP, Central Region, AT&T > Stan Graves, VP, Human Resources, Commonwealth Edison > Kim Harris, Manager, Software Initiative, Hewlett Packard > Steve Kane, VP, Employee Relations, Baxter International > Cordell Reed, Senior VP, Ethics & Diversity Management, ComEd The moderators will be Alan Amberg and Carrie Kaufman, co-hosts of Lesbigay Radio Chicago (8 AM Sundays on FM 92.7). The session will be hosted by Commonwealth Edison at 123 South Clark Street, Suite 650, Chicago on Wednesday, Dec. 7. There will be a light buffet and reception at 5:30 PM, followed by the program at 6:45. There will be a nominal fee. Reservations are requested. To RSVP or for more info call the Out at Work (or Not) hotline at +1 312-794-5218.