Date: Fri, 07 Oct 94 10:07:20 EDT From: Reprinted with permission of the [Boise] Idaho Statesman, Friday, October 7, 1994 ========================================== POLL FINDS 44% OPPOSE ANTI-GAY INITIATIVE NOW The Associated Press Opponents of the anti-gay initiative have pulled out in front in their campaign against the Idaho Citizens Alliance, according to a new public opinion poll. The poll, conducted for KTVB-TV in Boise, KHQ-TV in Spokane, Wash., and The Spokseman-Review newspaper's Idaho edition, said 44 percent opposed the proposition while 35 percent supported it. The remaining 21 percent said they were undecided. Conducted by Political/Media Research of Washington, D.C., the poll of 808 randomly selected registered voters had a margin of error of puls or minus 3.5 percentage points. The survey was conducted during the final three days of September. The results on the anti-gay initiative were in direct contrast to another independent survey conducted about five weeks earlier. That poll had 49 percent of the respondents favoring the intitiative and 43 percent opposing it. ============================================== For more information -- or to help -- contact No On One Coalition, PO Box 797, Boise, ID 83701 (208) 376-1599 voice, (208) 376-1699 fax, Submitted by ===============================================