From Sun Sep 11 21:02:35 1994 Reprinted from the "Boise Weekly," September 1-7, 1994 ================================================= Anti-Gay Table Rock Press Conference "Appalling" By Michaell F. Hummel Do you recall the textbook lessons that history has a way of repeating itself? Proposition 1 (the ICA initiative), if voted into law by Idaho's electorate, is hauntingly similar to laws passed by our territorial legislature and congress over 100 years ago. According to Hawley's History of Idaho, the state legislature passed a law disfranchising all members of the Mormon Church in 1887. This and other anti-Mormon acts were ultimately declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1920s and finally removed from the Idaho Statutes in the 1980s. As a fourth generation Boisean, I am appalled and offended that 66 evangelical ministers would stoop so low as to use the cross on Table Rock to conduct a political press conference on Aug. 24 in support of Proposition 1. The religious right is obsessed over an alleged "gay agenda," which has never been clearly defined or even identified in Idaho. Their underlying fear appears to be the legalization of same-sex marriage, and the possibility of this happening in Idaho is slim to none. Widely published scientific research and statistical data indicate approximately one of every 10 people on this planet is gay or lesbian, and that sexual preference is genetically predetermined at conception. Consequently, one's sexual preference is not a chosen or learned behavior. These human beings are your family, friends, and neighbors and in many cases you aren't aware of their sexual preference. They are responsible, productive citizens who are mutually consenting adults that conduct their private lives behind closed doors. These people should not be singled out for legalized discrimination any more than the early Mormon settlers should have been. The issue about "special rights" is a smoke screen. The real issue is whether a special interest group can convince Idaho's electorate to legislate morality and take away the civil rights of a specific group of Idaho citizens. The irrational fear, bigotry and ignorance promoted by the ICA suggests they will not tolerate the fact that there are many different lifestyles in today's world. The ICA proponents mistakenly believe that by enacting an unconstitutional initiative (the unconstitutionality will be proven at state taxpayer expense), Idaho will be a better place to live, The reality is that, as a consequence of the ICA initiative making the ballot, the "No On 1 Coalition" is challenged to form a short term ad hoc finance committee of prominent citizens to help raise $250,000 to defeat this discriminatory and unneeded initiative. Idaho is too special a place to be known for condoning any type of intolerance, bigotry and discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, creed, religious beliefs or sexual preference. Michael F Hummel who lives in Boise, says that be bas a brother who is gay and that his father is a member of the No On I finance committee. ==================================== Submitted by ====================================