Date: Sun, 12 Jun 94 11:03:49 EDT From: Reprinted from the [Boise] Idaho Statesman, Sunday, June 12 1994 -- Page 12A ==================================== Photo: Anti-gay demonstrators Mike Hoge, left and Robert Prater, both of Nampa, shout obscenities at speakers and supports who turned out for the fifth annual gay parade on Saturday. [the two are holding a 12 foot banner .... ONLY GOOD QUEER IS A DEAD QUEER -rs] ====================================== ANTI-GAYS EXPRESS OPINIONS AT RALLY Some scream epithets, others display signs opposing gays. By Marianne Flagg The Idaho Statesman The large, hand-painted sign was blunt: "Only good queer is a dead queer." To the band of a dozen screaming protesters at a gay pride rally Saturday, the sign proclaimed their disgust at homosexuality -- and a wish that gays would go away. For gays and their supporters, the sign showed the hate they say drives many of the people who want to keep them from obtaining civil rights. Stuck in the middle were people who oppose homosexuality but who don't want to be associated with the protesters who were screaming words like "freak" and "fag" -- and worse. The shouters were generally young men -- although there was one woman -- from Nampa [city 20 miles West of Boise -rs]. One man carried a small child on his shoulders while he screamed at the gay group. Robert Prater, one of the people screaming slurs, defended his actions. "They are the freaks of the world, and filth, the disciples of the Antichrist. It's against what's natural." Patrick Conner of Nampa, who protests the gay parade every year, videotaped some of the rally participants and introduced his boxer, Dan-o, as a "homophobe dog." Dan-o was on a leash. "I've been coming out here five years to protest these filthy people," Conner said. The dog barked, and Connor said, "Get 'em, Dan-o, queers, queers." Parade speaker Brian Bergquist, a leader in the Boise gay community, handled the protesters with humor. He led the crowd in blowing a kiss to Connor. "It's a very loving relationship we have now with Pat," Bergquist quipped. Lesbian comedian Robin Tyler couldn't contain her anger at the "dead queer" sign. "I'm Jewish," Tyler said, her face red and her voice raising. "If that sign said 'The only good Jew is a dead Jew,' or 'The only good black is a dead black,' we'd be kicking your ... asses. So you're very lucky we're nonviolent." The crowd cheered. Many of the protesters weren't screaming. They stood silently with signs that read, "Do not mock God" and "Hate the sin, not the sinner." Dennis Mansfield, exeutive director of the Idaho Family Forum [Focus on the Family & Idaho Citizens Alliance -rs], stood far from the vocal protesters, whom he criticized. But he remained opposed to the rally. People in his group were "amazed that so many of the counterculture extremists are being joined by some moderaters and left-leaning activits that aren't homosexual. It's obvious a coalition is building. I can't see thousands of Idahoans supporting this," Mansfield said. Jen Ray, a Boise lesbian who helped with the parade, said gays were pleased by the turnout, but chastened by the hostile protest. "It made it a little more scary," she said. "We've never had that kind of display, with hatred." ======================================== Submitted by Robert Shaffer [my words -rs]