Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 17:00:29 -1000 From: (Tom Ramsey) Subject: ALASKA NEWS Good News From Alaska! Dan Foley just called me: a lower court in Alaska has decided that Alaska must present compelling state interest arguments to justify continuing to discriminate by denying marriage licenses to same-gender couples. This is what Hawaii's Supreme Court ordered for Hawaii back in 1993, and those arguments were attempted by the State in September 1996---and totally rejected by Judge Kevin Chang in Honolulu Circuit Court in December 1996. The news from Hawaii: not a peep out of our own Supreme Court as to when they will rule on the state's appeal to them of Judge Kevin Chang's decision. With best regards, Tom Ramsey ex-officio, BoD Marriage Project Hawaii PO Box 11690 Honolulu HI 96828