Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 16:54:14 -1000 From: Tom Ramsey Subject: DEC. 6 AGAIN Yes, I did send the wrong message. Sigh! It's been a long day. Ken Scott of Honolulu's PFLAG has noted that Bill Woods is promoting his marriage bureau on the internet. Bill is raising funds, which support himself and his efforts. None of Bill's funds support the legal fees of the court case (or any of the other court costs). Bill charges couples a registration fee for "registering" them to marry someday. So, Ken sent the attached message out to the internet. So, for your information, if people ask you who might be willing to marry them, please consider Ken's kind words of advice (at no charge). Best regards, Tom Ramsey KEN SCOTT'S MESSAGE ( A couple of other resource options for anyone wanting to get married in Hawaii (even though this is a little premature): Metropolitan Community Church Hawaii will undoubtedly be happy to perform your wedding. Contact them directly at (808) 942-1027, or write to them at P. O. Box 23334 Honolulu, HI 96823 The First Unitarian Church of Honolulu will also probably be happy to perform weddings to same-gender couples, given their support of gay couples. Contact them at (808) 595-4047. Also, Unity Church of Hawaii at (808) 735-4436. And, PFLAG-O'ahu will be happy to help to. Write to: PFLAG-O'ahu, 92-954 Makakilo Dr. #71 Makakilo, Hawaii 96707 If there's a particular denomination that you would like to see if they would consent to marry you and your partner, let me know and I'll call around and see if I can locate a church that will perform the services for you. Also, Joe Melillo and Pat Lagon, two of the plaintiffs in the same-gender marriage case, have obtained ordination so that they can perform weddings once this is finally settled. If anyone's interested in talking to them about performing a wedding, let me know and I'll find out how to get in touch with them. Feel free to contact me if you'd like help with obtaining someone to perform your wedding. I'd be happy to help (no charge). Hopefully the Supreme Court will deal with the appeal quickly so we can get down to business! Ken Scott Honolulu, Hawaii