Date: Thu, 12 Sep 96 15:31:54 HST From: (Tom Ramsey) Subject: HAWAII SEPT. 12 DAY 2 OF THE TRIAL, BAEHR V. MIIKE The state's second witness was a sociologist, Dr. David Eggebean, who is a demographer from Penn State University. He was much more hostile than the gentlemanly Dr. Pruett of the first day of the trial, and eventually confessed under cross-examination to viewing homosexuality as immoral based upon his beliefs as a Christian. Dr. Eggebean displayed extensive data that marriage has changed dramatically since the depression of the 1930's in regards to persons entering marriage, rate of divorce, rate of multiple marriages, birthrates, children born out of wedlock, etc. Heterosexual marriages are in increasing trouble and need special state encouragement to provide the social ideal of loving, biological parents raising their own children responsibly. Much time was spent by Deputy Attorney General Eichor elaborating Dr. Eggebean's opinion step-parenthood is statistically not as ideal as biological parenthood. Dr. Eggebean mentioned the story of Cinderella as an archetype of the less-than-perfect reality of step-parenthood. Dr. Eggebean presented some evidence that gay and lesbian relations were more unstable than heterosexual relationships. Evan Wolfson of Lambda Legal Defense Fund scored some major points on a difficult and non-cooperative witness. First, if gay and lesbian relations were more fragile but often involved dependent children anyway, wouldn't that argue for special state encouragement toward stability? Under Wolfson's cross-examination, Dr. Eggebean admitted that a) it is actually beneficial for a society to have couples that marry without intending to produce children b) "institutional recognition of same sex marriage may help increase the risk of stability among some gay couples" (the witness' very words!) c) gay/lesbian couples can and do make excellent parents d) He knew of no research that substantiated the notion that same-sex couples are unfit parents e) Real life children of same sex parents would benefit if the parents could receive state inxcome tax benefits, public assistance, file for non-support by the non-custodial parent,alimony, have access to community property, could file wrongful death of one of the parents, and if the parents could receive social status derived from marriage, etc. Best regards, Tom Ramsey h.e.r.m.p Co-Coordinator SEE ALSO: The Hawaii Equal Rights Marriage Project, h.e.r.m.p, is the sole support of the work of Dan Foley on Baehr v. Miike. Please be generous in support of h.e.r.m.p; Hawaii is a small state! Donations to h.e.r.m.p are fully tax-deductible, and should be made out to GLCC-HERMP 1521 Alexander Street, #503 Honolulu, HI 96822. The h.e.r.m.p branch in Kona, on the Big Island, has produced a T-shirt for sale. One can send a check for $17.50 to HERMP, P.O.Box 902, Captain Cook, HI 96704, together with a note about being sent a T-shirt (S, M, L, XL, XXL). It is also available in a tank top. The design is multi-color on white. A large triangle points down, with the letters h.e.r.m.p above the triangle, some male-male, female-female symbols in the border of the triangle and some palm trees. To place an email order for T-shirts, or to obtain more information, please email An image of the T-shirt is available via the WEB on