Date: Thu, 22 Aug 96 22:46:45 HST From: (Tom Ramsey) Subject: HAWAII, AUG. 22 GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (U.S.A) ENDORSES FULL CIVIL RIGHTS FOR SAME-GENDER COUPLES The recent, and controversial, general assembly of the U.S. Presbyterian Church passed the following resolution: "Affirming the Presbyterian church's historic definition of marriage as a civil contract between a man and a woman, yet recognizing that committed same-sex partners seek equal civil liberties in a contractual relationship with all civil rights of married couples, we urge the Office of the Stated Clerk to explore the feasibility of entering friend-of-the-court briefs and supporting legislation in favor of giving civil rights to same-sex partners." This resolution was overshadowed in the news media by the closely fought decision to NOT ordain (non-celibate?) lesbians and gays as ministers, which is entirely the Presbyterian Church's legal right to do. We should applaud the Presbyterian Assembly's clear understanding that civil is separate, and different, from religious. As a non-Presbyterian, I'll hazard an interpretation of the phrase "historic definition of marriage as a civil contract". This phrase reminds me of the bitter controversy over whether marriage is a "sacrament" (which it is for Roman Catholics, and for some Protestant Christians but not all). This phrase positions Presbyterians on the "non-sacrament" side. The Assembly's standing Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy has made an even stronger statement. For a copy of the Committee's recommendation, please contact Presbyterians for Lesbian/Gay Concerns James D. Anderson, Communications Secretary P. O. Box 38 New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0038 telephone numbers: 249-1016, 908-932-7501 (the latter at Rutgers) Best Regards, Tom Ramsey Hawaii Equal Rights Marriage Project SEE ALSO: The Hawaii Equal Rights Marriage Project, h.e.r.m.p, is the sole support of the work of Dan Foley on Baehr v. Miike. Please be generous in support of h.e.r.m.p; Hawaii is a small state! Donations to h.e.r.m.p are fully tax-deductible, and should be made out to GLCC-HERMP 1521 Alexander Street, #503 Honolulu, HI 96822. The h.e.r.m.p branch in Kona, on the Big Island, has produced a T-shirt for sale. One can send a check for $17.50 to HERMP, P.O.Box 902, Captain Cook, HI 96704, together with a note about being sent a T-shirt (S, M, L, XL, XXL). It is also available in a tank top. The design is multi-color on white. A large triangle points down, with the letters h.e.r.m.p above the triangle, some male-male, female-female symbols in the border of the triangle and some palm trees. To place an email order for T-shirts, or to obtain more information, please email An image of the T-shirt is available via the WEB on