Date: Sat, 16 Sep 1995 21:46:30 -1000 From: Mia H H Lam Subject: HAWAII, SEPT. 16 (fwd) HAWAII, SEPT. 16 The Commission on Sexual Orientation and the Law held its organizing meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 13. The chair, former Congressman (and former Lt. Governor) Tom Gill, set a friendly, even casual tone, and a firm schedule was adopted for finishing the Commission's report prior to the beginning of the 1996 Legislature in January. All future meetings will begin at 9:00 a.m. and adjourn by noon; if an agenda is not completed, the commission will meet the following day at 9:00 am until noon as well. Here is the schedule of meetings: Sept. 27: Hearing on the benefits conferred by marriage which are currently denied to same-gender couples (thorough review of the Hawaii Revised Statutes, of which the 1994 Commission reviewed about 40%) Oct. 11: Decide on the benefits conferred by marriage which are currently denied to same-gender couples. Hold hearings on the public policy reasons for possibly extending those benefits to same-gender couples. Oct. 25: Decide the public policy reasons for whatever benefits should be extended to same-gender couples. Hold hearings on possible legislation to implement the public policy recommendations. Nov. 8: Draft legislation to recommend to the 1996 Legislature for implementing the public policy recommendations. Draft a final report to the 1996 Legislature. The odds have increased dramatically that this ambitious schedule will be kept. Aloha! Tom Ramsey Secretary, Steering Committee Hawaii Equal Rights Marriage Project P.S. Donations to HERMP are tax-deductible and needed: they may be sent to GLCC/HERMP, 1820 University Ave., Honolulu, HI 96822. HERMP is responsible for paying the fees of the local attorney, Dan Foley, in the court case Baehr v. Lewin (co-counsel in the case is Evan Wolfson, who is a staff attorney for Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund---email HERMP is organized as a project of the Gay and Lesbian Community Center in Honolulu. HERMP's phone numbers are (808)942-3737 (answering machine) and (808)926-1000 (GLCC's fax line). GLCC itself may be contacted at (808)951-7000, which is answered by a receptionist 9-5, M-F. Significant political organization continues to be required to protect Baehr v. Lewin from legislative interference. Political donations are not tax-deductible, and should be made to the Alliance for Equal Rights, 2139 Chamberlain St., Honolulu, HI 96822