Date: Mon, 22 May 95 12:35:45 HST From: NATIONAL GAY AND LESBIAN TASK FORCE (NGLTF) HIGHLIGHTS SAME-SEX MARRIAGE The Spring 1995 Task Force Report (being rec'd in Hawaii recently) featured same-sex marriage on the front page (with a picture of Melinda Paras advocating same sex marriage rights on C-SPAN), on page 2 (alert against bills introduced into the Alaska legislature against same sex marriage and domestic partnerships), and page 6 (Reports From the Field---Utah, South Dakota, and Alaska). Full texts, copied without permission, are appended. The NGLTF snail mail address is NGLTF, 2320 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009. Aloha! Tom Ramsey Secretary, Steering Committee Hawaii Equal Rights Marriage Project P.S. Donations to HERMP are needed, no matter how small. They are full tax-deductible and should be sent to HERMP/GLCC, 1820 University Ave., Honolulu, HI 96822 [telephone 808/942-3737; fax 926-1000; main GLCC number 951-7000.] "TO HAVE AND TO HOLD" SAME-SEX MARRIAGE ORGANIZING TAKES OFF The subject of same-sex marriage is rapidly rising into the consciousness of many Americans and has already made national headlines and front-page news around the country. And it's clearly in the cross-sights of the Radical Right. Already an aggressive pre-emptive strike against same-sex marriage has been launched in Alaska, Utah and South Dakota with more attacks expected. A Congressional threat may be forthcoming, too. These attacks are designed to head off a positive ruling expected later this year or early 1996 on a pending same-sex marriage case in Hawaii. It's time to sound the alarm. The Radical Right plans to capitalize on society's vigorous opposition to same-sex marriage and use it as a fundraising and political organizing weapon to strengthen their "traditional family values" agenda. Expect more attacks on not only same-sex marriage but also gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender families, including foster parenting, adoption and child custody. Indeed, the subject of same-sex marriage offers many political challenges and organizing opportunities---and numerous questions---for gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender activists. It's time for that dialogue to begin. It's time for everyone to find their role in this battle. We may ask, for example, do we really need or want the right to marry? We are asking for our equal right to marry the one we love and care for, just as non-gay Americans do. Many same-sex couples share the same responsibilities as married couples. However, nowhere in the United States do they receive the same recognition or benefits, not even in communities with domestic partnership laws. Of course, gay, lesbian and bisexual people are as diverse as non-gay people. Many would not choose to marry even if they could. However, virtually all gay people prefer that they---and not the state---decide whether and whom to marry, just as non-gay people do. What is your ["your" is underlined] role in the same-sex marriage battle? There are many ways for everyone to get involved. Help get the word out: Educate the public. Hold a forum. Tell your family, friends and coworkers about our right to marry. Sign on to the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund Marriage Resolution. Write letters to the editor and get the press to cover the subject. To have and to hold. It's about having the rights and responsibilities of legal and societal recognition of our loving unions. It's about holding close not only our loved ones, but also the democratic principles of fairness and equality often denied us because of who we are and whom we love. And most of all, it's about creating and strengthening diverse families and forming relationships free of discrimination and prejudice. [As part of its grassroots organizing efforts around marriage, NGLTF is preparing an organizing kit and other materials for activists. Call Beth Barrett for more information, (202)332-6483, ext. 3215;] end-of-article Members Take Action [page 2] ALASKA MARRIAGE BATTLE Two bills recently introduced in the Alaska State Legislature could slow the efforts of local activists working for domestic partnerships and marriage for same-sex couples in that state. HB226 would prohibit domestic partnership benefits for state and university employees. HB227 would bar legal recognition of same-sex marriages. If passed, Alaska would become the second state this year to pass legislation banning marriage for same-sex couples. Currently, no U.S. state recognizes marriage for same-sex couples. ACTION: Write or call Alaska Governor Tony Knowles (D). Tell him that you oppose these bills as anti-family, discriminatory and unnecessary. Ask Gov. Knowles to veto the bills as written if either is passed by the legislature. Write: Governor Knowles, State Capitol, PO Box 110001, Juneau, AK 99811. Call: (907) 465-3500 Fax: (907) 465-3980 E-mail: endo-of-article Marriage [page 6] Assisted Utah activists to develop media and community organizing strategies to oppose legislation that banned recognition of same sex couples. Will send NGLTF field staffers to Utah later this year. With local activists, helped form South Dakota's first gay organization---the South Dakota Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Federation---to defeat a bill banning same-sex marriages. NGLTF field staff have scheduled an organizing trip later this year. Traveled to Alaska to sponsor a forum to oppose bills banning same sex marriages and domestic partnerships and support campus organizing. end-of-article