Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 03:41:58 -1000 From: (Martin Rice) Subject: SA 500: 100+ NEW FEDERAL USENET NEWSGROUPS Aloha kakahiaka kakou. The following is from kaikua`ana Jim in Illinois: FEEDBACK From: In case you haven't seen it, the government has 100-200 new Usenet newsgroups where it will post White House briefings, press releases, DOJ and DOD announcements, and congressional bills and schedules. Basically every arm of government has a Usenet group now. The congressional ones bear special watching. They are under the 'gov' hierarchy, like (and senate) or, plus many more. Query your Usenet server (discussion groups server on browsers). Please pass this on. ~~pau~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Dear GOD, Is it true my father won't get into Heaven if he uses his bowling words in the house?" --Anita ~~~~~~ Fred and Martin, 25 years, yet strangers before all but 18.8% of the law. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~