Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 08:54:14 -1000 From: Mia H H Lam Subject: FN 2870: YESTERDAY AT THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION (fwd) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 08:49:37 -1000 From: Martin Rice To: Martin Rice Subject: FN 2870: YESTERDAY AT THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION Aloha kakahiaka kakou. 1. Speech by Elizabeth Birch, Human Rights Campaign Director 2. National Stonewall Democrats warn against support for Nader 3. Cuomo and Andrews address G&L Caucus <1><1><1><1><1><1><1><1><1><1><1><1><1><1><1><1><1><1> (Poster's note: It was interesting that Birch again failed to mention our desire to legalize our relationships and provide the security for our partners that hets are trying to vaingloriously reserve for themselves.) NEWS from the Human Rights Campaign 919 18th Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006 (202) 216-1547 Speech by Elizabeth Birch, Executive Director, Human Rights Campaign at Democratic National Convention LOS ANGELES -- I am honored to speak here as a gay American. Tonight, we celebrate the American family. But we know that America's family is not yet whole. For the color of his skin, James Byrd Jr. was dragged behind a truck in Jasper, Texas, until his body was shattered on a drainage ditch. Because of her faith, 14 year old Kristi Beckel was gunned down as she worshipped in a Texas Baptist church. Because Matthew Shepard was gay, he was driven into the countryside on a freezing Wyoming night, beaten and hung on a fence to die. His gentle voice still asks why, as do the families who have paid for our national lesson with their children's lives. Tonight, we dedicate ourselves to healing the fractures -- soothing the wounds -- to making our American family truly whole. It is now well settled that Democrats are capable of strong and disciplined standards of governance for our economy, domestic and foreign affairs. But true leadership also requires a muscled heart for equality. Wise leadership never takes refuge in silence. I speak here tonight with the parents and political leaders whose action or apathy will determine the fullness of the American family. To parents -- some of whom have left their gay children at the margins of family life and out of a vision for America, I say this: I want you to know that your gay children are gifted and strong. All are heroic in the way they have conquered barriers to their own self-respect. Many have suffered cruelty or violence. Some serve their communities with leadership and grace. Many are rich in faith, and have a deep love for this nation and democracy. Tens of thousands have served with distinction in the armed forces. Many have lost their lives. Until this administration, many battled AIDS virtually alone in the face of a stony, silent government. Many have lost their jobs. All were created by God. And you have a right to be proud of each and every one of them. I am proud to know the good heart of Al Gore. He has led this nation with wisdom and courage. His vision embraces every child and every family, including my family. I cannot imagine a better leader for our small twins than the next President of the United States, Al Gore. The other party's vision for America excludes as many as it includes. To be blunt, the Republican platform remains shameful. Healing America's family requires resolve, not simply a refrain. I do not believe that the Republican ticket is comprised of hateful men. But they are not wise men. They practice silent apathy in the face of hatred, and call it leadership. They forego invective but embrace indifference, and call it compassion. Deep within their hearts, they know this to be true: that not a single gay American seeks special rights or favored treatment. We seek simple equality -- the equal right to work, raise a family, serve our country in every way and be free from the shackles of brutality and hate. Equality is a special right -- a right so special that for two-and-a-quarter centuries it has motivated men and women to dream and to die and to animate the heart of America itself. Al Gore and Joe Lieberman have taken strong, courageous, positions on behalf of equality. The Democratic platform they support is a work of art in democracy -- unambiguously supporting inclusion for every American. They have never run for cover of silence. Like most Americans, they understand that: As long as a young man can be left on a fence to die, our American family is fractured; As long as gay parents live in fear that their children might be taken from them, our family is torn; As long as hardworking Americans can be fired in 39 states simply for being gay, our family is not whole; As long as gay people are barred from serving openly and with dignity in the armed forces of the United States, our family is not just; As long as gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth are at risk for suicide; ... until there is a cure for AIDS for men, women and children here and around the world ... ... then the American family we celebrate tonight is not yet healed. It is not enough to love your own child. Leaders must love all children and safeguard the family called America. This is what Al Gore knows. It is what George Bush has yet to learn. We don't have a single child to spare -- and we don?t have time for George Bush to learn on the job. I do not know how our young twins will one day judge my partner Hilary and me as parents, or as people. Our hope and prayer is that we will measure up in the way Dr. Martin Luther King asked people to judge themselves. He said: "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." Let us not follow the silence of George Bush. Let us follow a voice of courage and wisdom, and let us elect Al Gore President of the United States. <2><2><2><2><2><2><2><2><2><2><2><2><2><2><2> NATIONAL STONEWALL DEMOCRATIC FEDERATION 733 15th Street, NW Suite 700A Washington, DC 20005 For Immediate Release Contact: Daniel McGlinchey, Political Director August 15, 2000 (202) 246-8523 NATIONAL STONEWALL DEMOCRATS WARN VOTERS NOT TO THROW VOTE AWAY ON NADER "Ralph Nader should come with a warning label" (LOS ANGELES, August 15) National Stonewall Democrats meeting in Palm Springs last weekend approved a resolution warning gay and lesbian voters about the folly of supporting Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader. "Nader's record on the issue of fairness for gay and lesbian Americans was completely blank until he decided to run for president," said Michael Perez, cochair of the National Stonewall Democrats. "We welcome his recent support, but this doesn't qualify him as leader in the fight for gay and lesbian equality." The National Stonewall resolution applauds Al Gore's long record of support for ending discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered Americans and "his commitment to move the country further in the direction of fairness for all Americans." The resolution also states that "any votes for Ralph Nader will only serve to help elect Gov. Bush, and that Al Gore is the only electable presidential candidate with a proven record of support for the goal of ending prejudice in society." "What's most troubling about Nader is his claim that people should vote for him because there are no important differences between Gore and Bush," said Perez. "But those of us committed to ending prejudice in America know how completely deficient George W. Bush is on the issue of gay and lesbian rights, and how impressive Al Gore continues to be." "Ralph Nader should come with a warning label," said McGlinchey, political director of the National Stonewall Democrats. "By denying that there are fundamental differences between Al Gore and George W. Bush, Nader is trying to confuse voters in order to improve his own standing. He's drawing votes from the left, which he knows will help elect Bush, and that's a complete betrayal of the issues that he claims to care about." "Gay and lesbian voters are serious citizens who want to make a difference,"said McGlinchey. "And once they realize that voting for Ralph Nader will only help George W. Bush, they'll understand that Al Gore is the only candidate who is willing and able to advance the values they care most about." A copy of the resolution is attached. NATIONAL STONEWALL DEMOCRATIC FEDERATION RESOLUTION ON RALPH NADER Approved August 12, 2000, Palm Springs, California Whereas Ralph Nader was dismissive of the gay and lesbian community when he referred to attempts to formalize gay relationships as "gonadal politics" during debate on the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act in 1996; and Whereas the National Stonewall Democrats welcome the support of the Green Party in the fight for public policies to end discrimination, and also welcome Mr. Nader's recent claims of support for our rights as citizens; and Whereas it is widely acknowledged that Ralph Nader cannot be elected president of the United States in 2000, though he could prevent Al Gore fromwinning the presidency by drawing votes away. Be it resolved that, the National Stonewall Democratic Federation, Applauds Vice President Al Gore's long record of support for the right of GLBT Americans to be free from prejudice, his willingness to improve his understanding of our issues, and his commitment to move the country further in the direction of fairness for all Americans; and Emphasizes that Gov. George W. Bush has opposed every conceived public policy proposal aimed at vindicating our rights; and Believes that Mr. Nader's claim that there is no difference between Mr. Gore and Mr. Bush on fundamental issues irresponsibly ignores the vast differences between Gore and Bush on the question of equality for GLBT Americans; and Questions the commitment of Ralph Nader to issues of concern to the GLBT community given his indifference to the fight for gay and lesbian equality in his over 20 years as a public advocate; and Believes that any votes for Ralph Nader will only serve to help elect Gov. Bush, and that Al Gore is the only electable presidential candidate with a proven record of support for the goal of ending prejudice in society. The National Stonewall Democratic Federation is the national organization of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered Democrats, with over 10,000 members and 55 affiliated clubs across the country. NSDF is committed to improving the record of the Democratic Party and educating voters about the vast difference that exists between the two major parties on issues of importance to our communities. <3><3><3><3><3><3><3><3><3><3><3><3><3><3><3> DEMOCRATIC NEWS DIGEST For immediate release Contact: Mark Spengler -- (202) 258-1088 Corri Planck -- (213) 891-1875 HUD SECRETARY CUOMO AND DNC CHAIRMAN JOE ANDREW ADDRESSED GAY & LESBIAN CAUCUS Cuomo and Andrew Noted Democratic Party’s Longtime Commitment To Equality For Gays & Lesbians LOS ANGELES, Aug. 15, 2000 – Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Andrew Cuomo and Democratic National Committee Chair Joe Andrew spoke to more than 200 gay and lesbian delegates, elected officials and special guests at the Democratic National Convention’s Gay and Lesbian Caucus today at the Wilshire Grand Hotel. Cuomo urged delegates to unite behind Vice President Al Gore and Senator Joe Lieberman, and emphasized their long history of unparalleled support for a diverse array of civil rights issues. “There are so many forces seeking to divide this nation,” Cuomo said, adding that unlike the recent Republican National Convention where “the Republicans had 12 people on stage to show their diversity,” the Democrats “don’t have to create a show. If the camera pans down to the floor, it looks like the real diversity of America. We are right. They are wrong. There are no shades of gray.” Andrew also ignited the crowd with a resounding commitment to continue the fight for equal rights for gays and lesbians in a Gore-Lieberman Administration. “We will fight for ENDA, fight for hate crimes legislation and keep gay and lesbian issues in the forefront,” Andrew said. “We don’t care what gender you are or what gender you want to hold hands with. As long as you want to hold hands, you are welcome in the Democratic Party.” Today, three openly lesbian speakers will address the Convention from the main stage: ¨ Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), the first openly lesbian representative in Congress. ¨ Elizabeth Birch, executive director of the Human Rights Campaign, a Washington, D.C.-based gay and lesbian political organization. ¨ Juanita Owens, school board member from San Francisco. There are more than 200 openly gay and lesbian delegates, alternates and committee members from more than 30 states taking part in the Convention,including nine members of the Platform Committee and one member of the Drafting Committee. The gay and lesbian community represents at least four to six percent of the overall electorate and an even greater proportion of the Democratic electorate. Gays and lesbians represented seven percent of the voters that re-elected President Clinton and Vice President Gore in 1996. Those percentage points are expected to increase for the 2000 elections.