Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 09:21:58 -1000 From: Mia H H Lam Subject: FN 933: POC FILES COMPLAINT AGAINST CHRISTIAN COALITION & ALLIES (fwd) Aloha kakahiaka kakou. We be battlin' all over dis state . . . . Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 14:03:12 -1000 To: Martin Rice Subject: POC News Release 7-30-98 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 30, 1998 Contact: Steve Okino, Protect Our Constitution, 739-6263 PROTECT OUR CONSTITUTION FILES COMPLAINTS AGAINST ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES BY RELIGIOUS POLITICAL EXTREMISTS (HONOLULU)--Calling it an "arrogant, insulting, intentional disregard of the law," Protect Our Constitution today announced the filing of formal campaign spending complaints against Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition and two local affiliates of Mainland religious political groups for illegal activities in their campaign to undermine Constitutional rights. "The issue is simple and clear. If you raise and spend money to campaign in Hawaii, you have to follow Hawaii laws," Protect Our Constitution Campaign Director Jackie Young said. The complaint charges the Christian Coalition, the Hawaii Christian Coalition, and Hawaii Family Forum (the local affiliate of Dr. James Dobson's "Focus on the Family") with failing to register with the Campaign Spending Commission as non-candidate committees; registration is required under the law once an organization has raised or spent $1000. In addition, Hawaii Family Forum is charged with violating federal tax regulations by running paid commercials dealing with the Constitutional Amendment on the November ballot that would give the State Legislature new power to limit individual rights. The Christian Coalition and the Hawaii Christian Coalition have used the Internet to openly solicit foreign contributions, and encourage contributions in excess of $1000 and from corporations and organizations--all of which are against the law. "The only way to describe these blatant violations of the law is 'arrogant,'" Young said. "These groups think they're above the law because they're on a crusade to impose their brand of morality on the people of Hawaii, and they'll stop at nothing to do so." "They say they'll raise $1.5 million dollars, they'll do it any way they can, legal or not, so they can push their agenda on Hawaii," Young said. The Christian Coalition appeal states, "Please take a few minutes to read this urgent message from Hawaii...$750,000 is urgently needed by July 31 and another $750,000 by August 15 for our advertising and grassroots campaign in Hawaii." Hawaii Family Forum began running radio commercials on the Constitutional Amendment on several Honolulu stations on Wednesday. The commercials purport to explain the ballot issue dealing with the amendment, but cross the line into advocacy through a reckless and false statement about the meaning of a "no" vote. "By stating a 'no' vote would 'redefine marriage to include homosexual couples,' the commercial reveals its true intent--to advocate a specific position on the issue," Young said. "Not only does this take it out of the realm of allowable 'informational' advertising into unabashed advocacy, it violates federal laws prohibiting groups like Hawaii Family Forum from direct political activity." "Protect Our Constitution has followed the law from Day One and continues to comply with all provisions of campaign spending regulations," Young said. "If our opponents chose to ignore the law, flout the regulations, and disrespect Hawaii, that's an insult to every voter and every citizen in the state." Protect Our Constitution is a community-based coalition formed to preserve civil rights guaranteed to all citizens of Hawaii under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The organization includes representatives of civil rights, religious, grassroots, political, and community organizations, and enjoys support from several dozen prominent members of the Hawaii community. For further information, see our web site at *** Steve Okino -- Honolulu, Hawaii -- Writer + Producer *** *** "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." ---Albert Einstein