Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 19:13:47 -1000 From: (Martin Rice) Subject: SA 012: Reciprocal Beneficiaries Alert #2 Aloha ahi ahi kakou. Updates on the new RB LAW: 1) DEADLINE APPARENTLY PASSES, HB 118 BECOMES LAW: Today, June 23rd, is the last day for Governor Cayetano to veto any bills presented to him by the 1997 Legislature. Only one 5pm newsbroadcast (the CBS affiliate) mentioned what bills were vetoed, and the Reciprocal Beneficiaries bill was not one of them. The Governor did however, veto a bill that would have granted pay raises to the Hawai`i State Judiciary, which has the distinction of having the longest period of any state group to go without a raise--some seven years. All four network-affiliates (ABC, NBC, CBS & FOX) did mention today's vetoed bills (three, none of which are the new RB LAW!) on their 6pm editions however. The ABC affiliate also mentioned that Governor Cayetano is on the mainland, so it appears that HB 118 WILL BECOME LAW WITHOUT HIS SIGNATURE. This will be confirmed at a future date. 2) AOL COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS: Bill Woods, who is co-ordinating efforts to have a July 1st "Mailbox Ceremony" in Lihu`e, has reported problems sending and receiving e-mail, which can be confirmed. If you have have sent anything that has bounced back, he requests that you send it again ( or call him at 808-532-9000. 3) COUPLES' BIOS: Bill is also requesting that those that want to take part in the "Mailbox Blessing" submit a bio, first names only, ages, occupations, city or town, short blurb on why each couples wants an RB, etc. It is important that they be received as soon as possible. 4) LIHU`E SITE SELECTED: After scouting the mailboxes in Lihu`e, the best one appears to be in front of the Post Office. More on this at a future date. 5) MAUI MAYOR, INADVERTENT FOE? Maui County Mayor Linda Lingle has renewed her call for a reconvening of the State Legislature to deal with the issue of privatization of public services here in Hawai`i. The problem is that once reconvened, the Legislature can delve into any issue, including the marriage issue again. Under Hawai`i Law, two-thirds of each Chamber of the Legislature (i.e. 17 Senators out of 25 AND 34 Represenatives out of 51) must agree to reconvening or the Governor can reconvene the Legislature if he sees fit to do so. ~~pau~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "To imply that lesbians and gay men are somehow incompatible with, or incapable or unworthy of, marriage or morality is not morality; it is discrimination." --Dan Foley, Evan Wolfson and Kirk Cashmere Answering Brief, Baehr v. Miike ~~~~~ Fred and Martin 24 years, yet strangers before the law ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~