Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 10:03:53 -1000 From: (Martin Rice) Subject: SA 152: LDS/ANTI-GAY VIOLENCE Aloha awakea kakou. Thought I would share this with you. It was written by kaikua`ana Jeff Harris in Seattle ( Martin, The Latter-day Saints Church [Mormons] has a much longer history of anti-gay political activity. Not all of it is as focused on public policy as this report implies. Mormons Church leaders Boyd K. Packer has even used the Church's General Conference in Salt Lake City to encourage young Mormon men to beat up gay men. For those who are not familiar with him, Boyd K. Packer is a high ranking LDS or Mormon Church official; he is now the "acting president" of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. It would be hard for anyone to claim that his views were not endorsed by the Church. In his October address to 1976 General Priesthood Meeting --Every Mormon male age 12 and over is a member of the priesthood--, Packer portrayed gay men as sexual predators and encouraged young Mormon men to physically assault any male who "who tried to entice them to join them in these immoral acts." Packer gave an example of a Mormon missionary who knocked his assigned companion to the floor for showing a sexual interest in him. According to Packer, "Somebody had to do it." Packer told the group that his position as general authority in the church was all that prevented him from striking gay missionaries. That no young man should feel regret about beating up anyone who demonstrated an interest in his same sex. Mormon missionaries are all at least 18. They are not children. Sex, gay or straight, is a normal part of adult life. Saying, "no" would be enough to stop most advances from a friend or assigned missionary companion, if someone is not interested. There is no justification, ever, for striking anyone gay or straight, simply for expressing an interest. Packer did not tell young men to say no if anyone showed interest, then if they persist hit them. Nor did he tell them to slug women who made sexual advances. He encouraged the priesthood to hit gay men. You can find Packer's remarks in _Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints_, October 1,2,3 1976 with Report of Discourses: Salt Lake City: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1976. Michael Quinn notes in _Same Sex Dynamics among Nineteenth Century America_: University of Illinois Press that the First Presidency deleted Packer's sermon from the Conference Sermons printed in the Church's official magazine _The Ensign_. However, they did print Packer's advice to young men to hit gay men in a brochure that year, titled: _To Young Men Only_. The brochure was reprinted in 1980. Not only is the LDS Church spending millions on lawsuits and lobbying efforts in Hawaii and California to deny basic freedoms to gay citizens in those states. Gay students there have been banned from meeting in public schools and accurate, scientific information about sexual orientation is has also banned from Utah's schools. In 1997 the LDS Church still promotes so called conversion therapies --through Evergreen International-- that are nothing less than psychological and physical torture, performed by practitioners who have bias against gay people, in order to propagate its anti-scientific beliefs that sexual orientation can be changed. This torture is perpetrated ignoring all scientific and claims about the great harm these quack, so called therapies do. As Martin Luther King once said, the problem lies not only with the truly hateful people, but with the multitude of otherwise good people who refuse to speak up against injustice. Many people who have remained silent as well members of the LDS Church, who have only heard their smarmy stories about the Church protecting families, might speak out against these injustices rather than abetting them, if they are presented with Packer's call for violence against gay men. It is irrefutable evidence of the Church's intent to do harm. -Jeff Harris "Capital punishment is our society's recognition of the sanctity of human life." --Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "My son was not . . . a high-class male prostitute. He had a Catholic upbringing; he was an altar boy." --Modesto Cunanan ~~~~~~ Fred and Martin, strangers before all but 16.7% of the law, and fading fast. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~