Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 10:15:12 -1000 From: (Martin Rice) Subject: HAWAI`I ALERT: Joint Conference Meeting tonight Aloha kakahiaka kakou. Was just advised by Bill Woods, president of the GLEA Foundation, that Terrance Tom has called for a fifth meeting of the Joint Conference Committee for tonight, April 9, at 9pm, room 325 at the State Capitol. Attendance is strongly urged, if at all possible. Bill cited two reliable, but unnamed, sources regarding this meeting, stating that the purpose for the late hour is to allow for Tom's side to regroup and present yet another version of either HB 117 or HB 118 or both, and to allow as many people who oppose same-sex marraige the opportunity to attend. Another explanation was offered: Tom has a playing engagement tonight from 6 to 8pm. Indications are that Joe Souki has rejected the new proposals and has instructed Tom to redraft yet another counter proposal. A hui hou, Martin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Is there any truth to the rumor that a gay man is trapped in the body of Martha Stewart?" --Unknown ~~~~~ Fred and Martin 24 years, yet strangers before the law ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~