Date: Sat, 07 Jun 1997 05:09:28 -1000 From: (Martin Rice) Subject: Free Congress Amicus Brief in Hawaii Aloha kakahiaka kakou. The following "head's up" comes to us from Jerry Sloan ( concerning the Baehr v. Miike "Same-sex marriage" case. ** AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF OF PETITIONERS Coral Ridge Ministries Media, Inc., Concerned Women for America, American Family Association Law Center, Specialty Research Associates, Alaskans Opposed to Pro-homosexual Policies, Christian Family Network, Citizens for Community Values, Colorado for Family Values, Equal Rights Not Special Rights, Family First, Kerusso Ministries, National Campaign to Protect Marriage, Stop Promoting Homosexuality America, Traditional Values Coalition, Wallbuilders, Free Congress Research & Education Foundation and Coalitions for America. ** One of the more prominent amicus curiae filers is the Free Congress Foundation whose board chair is Jeffery Coors of Coors Beer fame and President is Paul Weyrich. According to a series of recent articles by Bruce Mirkin in the Bay Area Times the last 990 report available was1995 which reported the FCF received $ 450,000 from the Castle Rock Foundation whose board is composed of Adolph Coors Co.Chair William K. Coors, Vice Chair Peter Coors who is also CEO of the Coors Brewing Co. Jeffery Coors, president of ACX Technologies which supplies hundreds of millions of dollars of supplies to Coors Brewing, his mother, Holly Coors (Joseph's ex-wife) and a Rev. Robt. Windsor. Even though the Coors Co. and Family have woven a web of lies concerning the activiteis of the Company and Family, here on the mainland gay folk are falling over over themselve to declare the Coors Co. and the Family righteous and gay friendly because they instituted an anti-discrimination policy and domestic partners in the company and these same gay fold absolutely turn a deaf ear to the the fact that through the foundations the Coors continue to fund such organizations as FCF which are working against those very policies. Also, according to Russ Bellant's book "The Coors Connection" the Coalitions for America which is also headed by Paul Weyrich had (still has?) as an employee a convicted Czechoslovokian Nazi collaborator who somehow managed to emigrate to the U.S. after WW ll. The CFA was also designated in a secret Pennsylvania Christian Coalition handbook as the organization to send checks to pay for closed monthly satellite meetings of the the Religious Right network around the country. Out of these meeting the National Empowerment Television (NET) cable channel sponsored by the FCF was developed. It is the support by the Coors family and their foundations of these homohating organizations which makes your fight in Hawaii so much harder. Buy Coors - Fund the Anti-Gay Right Jerry Sloan Project Tocsin Sacramento ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You can't put a cost . . . on something that is tantamount to civil rights." --Governor Ben Cayetano ~~~~~ Fred and Martin 24 years, yet strangers before the law ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~