Date: Mon, 03 Feb 1997 22:09:26 -1000 From: (Martin Rice) Subject: INVITATION FROM ALLIANCE FOR TRADTIONAL MARRIAGE Aloha ahi ahi kakou. This needs to be distributed as widely as possible in Hawai`i . . . . Following please find an invitation from Mike Gabbard, founder of the Alliance for Traditional Marriage. Gabbard has had a long history of anti-gay activism in Hawai`i. He closed his restaurant rather than hire known gays. He had a half-an-hour radio show known as "Stop Promoting Homosexuality." He was one of the keynote speakers at that "Iowa Hatefest" almost exactly one year ago. What is of importance, and what our activist friends in Honolulu should be concerned about, is how Gabbard was able to get a room at the State Capitol for this presentation. This luncheon should not be held on state property, and should be stopped if at all possible. ________________________________________________________________________ Mike Gabbard P.O. Box 27843 Honolulu, Hawai`i 96827 Ph: [808] 523-7739 Fax: [808] 523-2859 January 30, 1997 Representative _________________ State Capitol Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813 Dear Representative________________: As you know, I've been involved with the issue of homosexuality for many years. It seems to me there's one crucial variable that has been ignored during this controversy--the voices from the "ex-gay" community. Unfortunately, many people have been misled into believing the media propaganda that "gays" are born that and can't change. I'ld like to invite you to a luncheon and informational hearing immediately following sessions on Thrusday, February 6 in Room 423 at the State Capitol that will truly present "the other side of the story." We've invited a panel of four "ex-gays", three men and one woman to give their professional and personal perspectives on the issue of "same-sex marriage" in Hawai`i. This issue is one that is ultimately about people and about how it affeccts their lives. Therefore, we are pleased to help focus the discussion on the human perspective by giving you the opportunity to hear from those who have been deeply involved in homosexual relationships. The speakers who will be on the panel are John Paulk, who is currently a board munber and spokesman for Exodus Iniernational; his wife Anne Paulk who is the board president of the affiliated Exodus agency in Portland, Oregon; Michael Johnston, president of Virginia-based Kerusso Ministries and host and producer of the weekly radio show *Truth Under Fire;* and Anthony Falzarano, who is the executive director of Transformation Ex-Gay Christian Ministries of Washington, D.C. and the media spokesman for Exodus International on the East Coast and much of Europe. Though they are affiliated professionaliy with these various organizations, each will be presenting himself or herself as an individual The above speakers are in town for a few days and will be presenting a day-long seminar called "Hope for the Homosexual" at Mabel Smythe Auditorium on Saturday, February 8th from 10am until 4pm, which you are also cordially invited to attend. Together, these people have shared their knowledge gained from personal experience and personal expertise on hundreds of national and local television stations, radio broadcasts, newspapers, magazines, and books. We hope you'll take this opportunity to hear from you on this important issue. It will certainly be helpful in your deliberations during the session. Please R.S.V.P. as soon as possible so we can make the appropriate preparations. Sincerely, /s/Mike Gabbard ~~pau~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The House [of Representatives] is a corrupt institution." --Newt Gingrich Esquire, 10/89 "I am a creature of the House." --Newt Gingrich The Atlantic, 6/93 ~~~~~ Fred and Martin 24 years, yet strangers before the law ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~