Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 10:58:17 -0500 (CDT) From: Freedom Subject: Re: *QP*: MAN QUESTIONS MICHIGAN AG--FOLLOW-UP On Tue, 27 May 1997, Martin Rice wrote: > > 3) I asked her if there was anyway to find out who initiated the request > that led to the eleven mainland states entering an amicus brief, and she > stated that she believe it would not fall under information that was > available to the public domaine, as it was probably a private request. If you put the request in writing and ask it under the Freedom of Information Act, she will have to reply within a specific amount of time (like 10-30 days). cc the letter to whomever you think carried clout - Governor, Justice Department, etc. There is nothing public officials do that is ouside the publics right to know, even a "private request" made by a member of the public. > I don't know where to go from here. Any suggestions? Also are their any "friendly" media people around, newspapers, tv stations, they could get involved as well. > > One thing, however, does cross my mind. Since this is basically a civil > rights case, in that Loving v. Virginia establishes that marriage is a > right, and that there are approximately 240 Hawai`i state benefits and > 110 federal benefits that go along with obtaining a marriage license, > could the Attorney Generals of Alabama, California, Colorado, Hawai`i, > Georgia, Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, South > Carolina and South Dakota be called to task for Conspiracy to deny a > class of citizens their equal rights? > How about the governor's of those states? In Spirit and Solidarity Jessica Weiss for a MORE PERFECT UNION by EVERY Constitutional means necessary *************************************************** * "The Senators and Representatives....and the * * members of the several State legislatures, and * * all executive and judicial officers, both of * * the United States and of the several States, * * shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support * * this Constitution...." * * Article VI. United States Constitution. * ***************************************************