Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 09:04:58 -1000 From: Mia H H Lam Subject: Legislators' Email Addresses (fwd) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 23:27:08 -1000 From: Marriage Project Hawaii Subject: Legislators' Email Addresses The ACLU has sent out an action alert asking people to contact Senate President Norman Mizuguchi, Senators Matt Matsunaga and Avery Chumbley, Representatives Paul Oshiro and Calvin Say. Here at Marriage Project Hawaii as well as at the ACLU, we'd rather the legislature did nothing (no second bill banning same gender marriage and no DP). However, the legislature may be determined to have a fresh bill banning same gender marriage. If so, ask them to link it with a domestic partnership bill similar to what the governor is proposing. By the way, the state is arguing in court that the 1994 law banning same gender marriage is good enough and no new law is needed. Email contact for all senators has this form: sen"last name" with two exceptions. There are two Senators Ige, Marshall and David. So their addresses are and Email addresses for all representatives have this form: rep"last name" with two exceptions. There are two Representatives Oshiro, Paul and Marcus. Their addresses are and It is likely that some legislators don't use email. Please let us know about them, so that we can pass that word along. FYI, Equality Hawaii has cancelled the Jan. 23 meeting. Future meetings will be announced. Marriage Project Team P.S. In advance, we apologize to 14 people who were sent an earlier version of this message this afternoon as a test of our email.