Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 08:46:03 -1000 From: Mia H H Lam Subject: Fwd: Call your legislator, and make Christian bigots pay for th (fwd) Hey gang its time to make free phone calls to the Member or Members of Congress of your choice. The Christian Coalition just sent out a post card encouraging people to call (their Reps and ask them) to vote for the so-called Religious Freedom Amendment. They are so excited about putting religion into schools and on public property, they are willing to pay for your call. When you call they answer U.S. Capitol. It is actually a transfer service paid for by the Christian Coalition. They will transfer you to a member's office. The number is 800/504-0031. The "Religious Freedom" vote is scheduled for June 4. Perhaps each of us should call our Representative at least twice. Once (if you want) on the school prayer and more bill and once to encourage them to support the Employment Nondiscrimination Act. If the Christian Coalition is paying, we should lobby for gay civil rights don't you think?