MEMBERS UPDATE JUNE/JULY 1994 Georgia Political Action Committee (GAPAC) P.O. Box 8420 Atlanta, GA 30306 voice: 404-872-8095 fax: 404-874-8628 Note: Come by the GAPAC booth at Atlanta Pride on Saturday and Sunday, June 11th and 12th SODOMY LAW REFORM CONTINUES Even though both the Georgia Senate and House version of Sodomy Law reform failed to move during the last legislative session, the campaign continues. Both versions will be reintroduced in 1995. Coalition work continues during the legislative break. One part of this reform effort includes collecting the experiences of those arrested on consensual sodomy charges. If you or someone you know has had a sodomy arrest and is willing to relate the circumstances, please contact GAPAC. DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP REGISTRY: LET ME COUNT THE WAYS Little known fact: while the benefits portion of Atlanta's domestic partnership program is still before the courts, couples may still register as domestic partners. Why do it? Because certain airlines and other commercial concerns recognize the same-sex couple relationship when it has been officially documented. Another important reason for registering is an important one. If there are a large number of domestic partnerships registered, it will certainly demonstrate our community's strong desire to have our relationships acknowledged. Further, companies currently considering development of a domestic partnership program will be encouraged by the availability of well-used and effective registration/benefit models. To register in Atlanta, visit the Business License Office in Atlanta City Hall (the corner of Mitchell and Trinity). Best wishes to all you happy gay and lesbian couples..... -=*=- *** Lobbyist Update by Larry Pellegrini *** MEETING AT SENATOR SAM NUNN'S OFFICE Over a year ago, Rep. June Hegstrom (D-Clarkston) requested a meeting with Sen. Sam Nunn to voice her support for lifting the ban on gays in the military. Finally, an April appointment was scheduled and Rep. Hegstrom invited GAPAC to attend with her. The meeting was actually held with Sen. Nunn's Legislative Director. Nothing appears to have changed regarding the Senator's negative attitude toward lesbian and gays. Many issues were discussed including a request that the Senator release a clear statement regarding his office personnel policies. A letter, sent some six weeks later, did not offer a definitive nondiscrimination policy including sexual orientation. We still call on the Senator to sign on to the HRCF statement of nondiscrimination that has already been endorsed by over half of both the U.S. House and Senate. DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP HEADED FOR STATE SUPREME COURT The benefits portion of the City of Atlanta's Domestic Partnership ordinance is now pending before the Georgia Supreme Court. It is anticipated that a decision could be rendered in as little as 4 to 5 months. Several organizations have signed on to support the ordinance in this court appeal. We are optimistic that the court will fairly consider the main issue in this case, that being the Home Rule provisions that delegate to cities and municipalities the right to determine what is best for citizens. BOWERS MISREPRESENTS FACTS (SURPRISE!) IN G/L/B CASES During a May 20 presentation at Georgia State University, State Attorney General Michael Bowers misrepresented the facts in three cases important to the lesbian and gay community. As an invited speaker, he gave inaccurate information on the Shahar, Hardwick, and Domestic partnership cases. Bowers was exceptionally confrontational during the presentation, including physically threatening one of the students who dared to question him. I (Larry Pellegrini) was invited to respond to Bowers misrepresentations and did so on June 3rd before an enthusiastic student audience. -=*=- REGISTER TO VOTE June 20th is the last day to register to be eligible to vote in the primary elections on July 19th. Make your voice heard... -=*=- typing and typos by Lois Morrison