Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 07:30:59 -0500 (EST) From: A Jay Eddy Subject: Bwd.Elections'98 - Impact of Tolerance Image Broward Log Cabin Club - Florida P.O.Box 1281, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33302 November 4, 1998 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Andy Eddy,VPPR Director for Community Relations and Outreach BROWARD ELECTIONS '98 - IMPACT OF TOLERANCE IMAGE Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The members, friends, and directors of the Broward Log Cabin Club from the S.E. Florida Gold Coast would like to express their appreciation for the support and courtesy extended to School Board Republican Candidate Judie Budnick who was successfully elected by shockingly unexpected majority in a long-time Democratic stronghold. We especially believe that Judie, as she works through her term in office, will abide by the promises made to progressive Republicans and her base of diverse supporters who are partic- ularly pleased with her vision for our county and its children. According to Jack Majeske, BLCCF President, "Budnick's victory should send a wake-up call to Republicans who have not willingly cooperated with the GOP "Big Tent" theory and likewise to snug Democrats who have just expected the vote and have not always earned it." Tuesday's challenge for the women and men of our community, people of faith, and for Republicans was historic and demonstra- tes that our politicians must become involved with the people who elect them and whom they subsequently serve in public office. Andy Eddy, BLCCF Director for Community Relations and Outreach noted that, "Many are viewing the current election victory of Jeb Bush over his prior defeat as a test-trial run for a sincere, hard working, and believable Republican. Reducing the past loss margin for Bush on Florida's Gold Coast, which helped carry the state for Jeb yesterday, would not have been possible without the involvement of disillusioned Democrats, concerned independent voters, and the often excluded Log Cabin constituency who will have to contend with their supporters should the candidate fail the test of moderation and inclusion." According to Dr. LoPiccolo, BLCCF Membership V.P., "Concerned citizens are searching for fiscal responsibility and account- ability. Social moderates seek positive, fair, and meaningful change from the business as usual attitude which is often based on empty promises and the rhetoric of alleged equal protection and access under the law."