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american federation of veterans rally for equal rights, 07/13/97: (1.9K)
bill banning dp passes senate, 05/01/97: (3.6K)
broward lcc dp equality affirmation, 04/15/97: (3.2K)
broward lcc senator calls for louganis speech cancellation, 01/25/97: (1.4K)
call for letters opposing anti dp bill, 03/16/97: (6.3K)
chiles message on antimarriage law, 05/30/97: (2.1K)
congress member considers transgender immoral, 07/26/97: (9.8K)
dade action alert evangelical political activists, 06/28/97: (2.7K)
governor chiles avoids anti gay issue, 05/30/97: (1.8K)
governor chiles spin on codification of anti same sex unions, 05/31/97: (6.7K)
governor urged to veto anti dp bill, 05/05/97: (3.4K)
house passes anti dp bill, 03/27/97: (1.5K)
lgbt stories education ft laud, 04/12/97: (4.5K)
log cabin against legislating inequality, 03/15/97: (2.7K)
orlando PFLAG annual conf, 09/97: (3.5K, 8/10/1997)
orlando PFLAG annual conf information, 09/97: (2.2K, 8/16/1997)
orlando PFLAG to show disney support, 09/05/97: (1.4K)
republican and democrat clubs agree in opposition to jenne, 10/30/97: (1Kb)
south beach gay spring break, 11/11/97: (2.2K)
vote tally on antimarriage bill 04 30 97: (7.6K, 5/6/1997)
winter gala 98 kickoff, 09/25/97: (2.4K)
winter party south beach, 03/97: (5.5K, 3/27/1997)

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