Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 09:41:07 -0700 From: (Jeff Harris) Subject: Clinton Gore Buy Radio Ads Boasting Support For DOMA CLINTON CHRISTIAN RADIO AD TRANSCRIBED OCTOBER 14, 1996 "Protecting religious freedom. It's the foundation of our nation. "When the Justice Department went after a church to gather the parishioners' tithing money, the government was stopped cold because President Clinton overturned the government's policy and protected us.It's not the only time he's defended our values. Don't be misled by Bob Dole's attack ads. "President Clinton wants a complete ban on late term abortions except when the mother's life is in danger or faces severe health risks, such as the inability to have another child. "The President signed the Defense of Marriage Act, supports curfews and school uniforms to teach our children discipline. "The President enacted the V-chip to block out violent TV programs. His crime bill expanded the death penalty for drug kingpins. Bob Dole opposed him and is resorting to untrue negative attacks. President Clinton has fought for our values and America is better for it. "Paid for by Clinton/Gore 96"