Date: Sat, 4 Mar 1995 17:33:33 -0500 From: Subject: Helms Strikes Again! 104 S. 25 Helms - Placed on Calendar in Senate CONGRESS: 104 BILL NO: S. 25 OFFICIAL TITLE: An act to stop the waste of taxpayer funds on activities by Government agencies to encourage its employees or officials to accept homosexuality as a legitimate or normal lifestyle SPONSOR: Helms DATE INTRODUCED: 01-04-95 BRIEF TITLE: No Information Available COSPONSORS: No Information Available COMMITTEE/SUBCOMMITTEE REFERRAL: No Information Available VOTE TOTAL OUT OF HOUSE COMMITTEE: No Information Available LEGISLATIVE ACTION: 01-04-95 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under Read the First Time. 01-05-95 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 4. AMENDMENTS: No Information Available COMMITTEE/CONFERENCE REPORT NUMBERS: No Information Available RELATED LEGISLATION: LOC S.317 (Similar) CONGRESSIONAL RECORD PAGE REFERENCE: 01-04-95 S48 Introductory information 01-04-95 S48 Read the first time 01-04-95 S217 Text 01-05-95 S479 Placed on the calendar 01-05-95 S480 Read the first time BILL DIGEST...... Jan 4, 95. Prohibits the use of funds appropriated out of the Treasury to fund, promote, or carry out any seminar or program for employees of the Government, or to fund any position in the Government, the purpose of which is to compel, instruct, encourage, urge, or persuade employees or officials to: (1)recruit, on the basis of sexual orientation, homosexuals for employment with the Government; or (2) embrace, accept, condone, or celebrate homosexuality as a legitimate or normal lifestyle. Subj: Congressional info Don't forget about and CONGRESSIONAL E-MAIL ADDRESSES 104th Congress 1995/96 United States Senate GA Coverdell, Paul ID Craig, Larry ID Kempthorne, Dirk IL Simon, Paul MA Kennedy, Ted NM Bingaman, Jeff TX Hutchison, Kay B. VA Robb, Charles VT Leahy, Patrick VT Jeffords, Jim WA Gorton, Slade ---------------------------------------------------------------------- United States House of Representatives AR 4 Dickey, Jay JDICKEY@HR.HOUSE.GOV AZ 2 Pastor, Ed EDPASTOR@HR.HOUSE.GOV CA 7 Miller, George FGEORGEM@HR.HOUSE.GOV CA 12 Lantos, Tom TALK2TOM@HR.HOUSE.GOV CA 13 Stark, Pete PETEMAIL@HR.HOUSE.GOV CA 14 Eshoo, Anna ANNAGRAM@HR.HOUSE.GOV CA 15 Mineta, Norman Y. TELLNORM@HR.HOUSE.GOV CA 36 Harman, Jane JHARMAN@HR.HOUSE.GOV CA 37 Tucker III, Walter TUCKER96@HR.HOUSE.GOV CO 2 Skaggs, David SKAGGS@HR.HOUSE.GOV CT 2 Gejdenson, Sam BOZRAH@HR.HOUSE.GOV CT 4 Shays, Christopher CSHAYS@HR.HOUSE.GOV FL 6 Stearns, Cliff CSTEARNS@HR.HOUSE.GOV FL 12 Canady, Charles CANADY@HR.HOUSE.GOV FL 20 Deutsch, Peter PDEUTSCH@HR.HOUSE.GOV GA 6 Gingrich, Newton GEORGIA6@HR.HOUSE.GOV IL 13 Fawell, Harris HFAWELL@HR.HOUSE.GOV IL 14 Hastert, Dennis DHASTERT@HR.HOUSE.GOV KS 1 Roberts, Pat EMAILPAT@HR.HOUSE.GOV MI 3 Ehlers, Vernon CONGEHLR@HR.HOUSE.GOV MI 4 Camp, Dave DAVECAMP@HR.HOUSE.GOV MI 14 Conyers, John JCONYERS@HR.HOUSE.GOV MN 3 Ramstad, Jim MN03@HR.HOUSE.GOV NC 7 Rose, Charlie CROSE@HR.HOUSE.GOV NC 11 Taylor, Charles CHTAYLOR@HR.HOUSE.GOV NC 12 Watt, Mel MELMAIL@HR.HOUSE.GOV ND Pomeroy, Earl EPOMEROY@HR.HOUSE.GOV NJ 12 Zimmer, Dick DZIMMER@HR.HOUSE.GOV NY 7 Manton, Thomas TMANTON@HR.HOUSE.GOV NY 23 Boehlert, Sherwood BOEHLERT@HR.HOUSE.GOV NY 27 Paxon, Bill BPAXON@HR.HOUSE.GOV OH 2 Portman, Rob PORTMAIL@HR.HOUSE.GOV OH 10 Hoke, Martin HOKEMAIL@HR.HOUSE.GOV OK 5 Istook, Jr. Ernest ISTOOK@HR.HOUSE.GOV OR 1 Furse, Elizabeth FURSEOR1@HR.HOUSE.GOV OR 4 DeFazio, Pete PDEFAZIO@HR.HOUSE.GOV PA 16 Walker, Robert PA16@HR.HOUSE.GOV TX 2 Wilson, Charles CWILSON@HR.HOUSE.GOV TX 3 Johnson, Sam SAMTX03@HR.HOUSE.GOV TX 6 Barton, Joe BARTON06@HR.HOUSE.GOV VA 2 Pickett, Owen OPICKETT@HR.HOUSE.GOV VA 6 Goodlatte, Bob TALK2BOB@HR.HOUSE.GOV VA 9 Boucher, Rick JSHOUMAK@HR.HOUSE.GOV VT Sanders, Bernie BSANDERS@IGC.APC.ORG U.S. House of Representatives Committees Education and Labor Subcommittee on Labor-Management Relations SLABMGNT@HR.HOUSE.GOV Resources RESOURCE@HR.HOUSE.GOV Science HOUSESST@HR.HOUSE.GOV The above information was compiled from the Senate and House Gophers. Transmitted: 95-01-23 08:59:12 EST (inet0023)