Date: Fri, 6 Jan 95 14:21:22 CST From: scott andrew mendel TO: PERSONS WHO RESPONDED TO 12/9/94 ACTION ALERT ABOUT FEDERAL AIDS HOUSING FROM: AIDS FOUNDATION OF CHICAGO (via Scott Mendel) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On December ninth I posted an action alert asking people to contact the White House, the Federal Office of Management and Budget, and their Senators and Representatives about the then-endangered Federal set-aside of housing funds for people with HIV/AIDS (HOPWA). With thanks to all of you who responded, I wanted to let you all know that national AIDS advocates have been informed this week by the White House that a torrent of email, letters, phone calls, and FAXes have convinced them that HOPWA should remain as a federally-mandated line item in the FY 1995 budget! There has been a delay in the publication of the President's budget proposal, due in part to the executive branch's efforts to anticipate the changed political landscape in the 104th Congress. But we have been assured that HOPWA will not be consolidated into the general block grants to the states for disbursement at the local level. This means, on a practical level, that we have prevented as many as 50 individual battles in each state about monies being reserved to protect low-income PWAs from homelessness. Once the new Congress begins to adopt the budget there will no doubt be a need for more grassroots advocacy to keep the HOPWA line item out of that general pool of housing money to the states. But in the meantime we can celebrate a victory! Keep your eyes open for future updates on this issue. There is certainly more to come. And thanks again for all your energy! For the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, Scott Mendel