Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 13:05:28 -1000 From: Mia H H Lam Subject: 4 job openings at NOW (fwd) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 11:34:08 -1000 From: Keiko Koizumi Subject: 4 job openings at NOW FYI, kk ~~~~~~~~~ Please accept my apologies if you've already received this -- we had some server problems and I haven't been able to verify that this message was sent! Kim Please forward/post these opportunities at NOW. Thanks! Kim Gandy . Four Job Openings at the NOW Action Center For all positions, please fax a cover letter with your resume and salary history to (202) 785.8576 or mail it to the National Organization for Women (NOW), 733 15th St NW, 2nd floor, Washington, DC 20005. NOW provides excellent benefits, including health, life, disability and dental insurance. Action Center job openings are posted on the web at DIRECTOR OF MAJOR GIFTS AND PLANNED GIVING. NOW has a large and loyal donor base, and working with these devoted feminists is the opportunity of a lifetime. We're looking for an enthusiastic and creative development professional, with a proven track record, to identify, cultivate, solicit and obtain planned and major gifts ($5000+) from individuals. Proficiency in grant and proposal writing would be a plus. If you're experienced, self-motivated, adept at relationship building, and devoted to women's rights, you're perfect for this job. You should have excellent organizational, interpersonal and communication skills, as well as a long-term commitment to NOW's work for women's rights. Salary commensurate with experience. Reply to Kim Gandy. FIELD ORGANIZER - LESBIAN RIGHTS Use your organizing skills to advance women's rights and end discrimination and hate crimes based on gender and sexual orientation! Your high energy and dedication motivate others, and your ability to mobilize them to take action will make every campaign and conference a success, win or lose. If you have experience in political campaigns, conference organizing, community change-oriented action, women's and LGBT issues, this is an unparalleled opportunity to make a real difference. You'll need at least one year of hands-on field or event organizing experience, good computer abilities, top notch written and spoken presentation skills, and enthusiasm for working with volunteers to do the myriad tasks, small and large, that make up a winning campaign. Salary 20's to low 30's based on experience. Reply to Elizabeth Toledo. SYSTEMS MANAGER - MEMBERSHIP If you're a knowledgeable database administrator with membership experience, we have just what you're looking for! You'll coordinate the development, testing and implementation of a complex mainframe database (Oracle-based) that will serve the organization's membership, chapter, reporting and fundraising needs, and then manage the system service bureau on a daily basis. You'll also supervise vendors and a membership specialist, and work together to analyze membership reports and statistics, ensure that memberships and renewals are input timely, that they receive member cards promptly, and that complaints are rare and handled with aplomb. May include computer support (software and hardware) and LAN management (Windows NT) responsibilities. You'll need to be computer-savvy, analytical, organized, flexible, and an excellent communicator, committed to making our system run like a top. Salary from 30's up, commensurate with experience. Reply to Karen Johnson. STAFF ACCOUNTANT Finally an opportunity to put your skill with debits and credits to work for women’s rights! As staff accountant you’ll be part of the Action Center Support team and you’ll have hands-on responsibility for accounts receivable, accounts payable and cash management functions, involvement with bank and account records and reconciliations, some payroll, and state charitable registration reports. You’ll need one year of experience, as well as proficiency with non-profit accounting software; we use MIP fund accounting, so knowledge of MIP would be a plus. Salary mid to high $20's. Reply to Karen Johnson. Thanks for posting/forwarding these openings. ********************************* Kim Gandy Executive Vice President National Organization for Women (202) 628-8NOW, ext. 126 **********