Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 16:45:18 -0600 From: James Yorton Subject: (USA,CO) Romer Vetoes Anti-Marriage Bill [ submitted by ] Ground Zero News Flash Ground Zero Colorado springs Denver, CO March 25, 1996 Colorado's Democratic governor, Roy Romer, today at 1:10 PM vetoed Colorado's mean-spirited and unconstitutional anti-gay marriage bill. The bill had passed the Colorado legislature by narrow margins in recent weeks. This bill was forced on the state by the theocratic right and religious political extremists like Colorado for Family Values to promote their agenda of intolerance and bigoty. Colorado already has a law that defines marriage as being between male and female and a decision on the Hawaii law may several years away. In justifying support of the "anti-gay mariage bill," Will Perkins of Colorado for Family Values is reported to have said that we don't let humans marry dogs either and that unequal application of laws is sometime necessary. State Senator Mary Ann Tebedo interrupted a Unitarian minister during hearing to say that she was tired of hearing about (gays' and lesbians') their children. They don't have children. They can't have children without outside help. The only reason they adopt is to recruit. They're not their children and they never will be. Tebedo's son, Kevin, was an author and founder of Colorado's anti-gay Amendment 2 and a founder of Colorado for Family Values. Of late he, and his sister, have been associated in some reports with extremist groups, militias and extreme right individuals like Colorado's state senator, Charles Duke. Tebedo recently was a star witness in a "Common Law Jury" in Canon City Colorado that tried the US Government for crimes against the people. Colorado for Family Values has fueled speculation that they will take the anti-gay question to a state wide referendum if the governor vetoes it, as he has done. Frank Whitworth [GrndzeroCo]