Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 15:07:01 -0400 From: PMDAtropos Subject: GAY AND DEAF--CROSS-CULTURAL ASPECTS (IGLE workshop 10/15/94) [ Send all responses to only. All responses to the list or list owner will be returned! ] In this workshop, Hank Stack of Portland, Oregon, will focus on some of the major issues of interaction between deaf and gay people and the hearing culture, the hearing gay subculture and the mainstream deaf culture. This will be a bilingual presentation with sign-language/oral interpreters: both deaf and hearing people are invited. It is drawn from Stack's lifelong experiences as an activist deaf person in a hearing world, in addition to his research involving videotaped and informal interviews with many individuals around the country, representing a cross-section of the Deaf/Gay population. Topics will include residential school life, coming out, being gay in the deaf straight world, and interacting with hearing gays. The workshop will be of special interest to professionals and others who interact with deaf gays as care providers, friends and lovers. A graduate of Gallaudet University, Hank Stack is himself deaf, as were his parents and all except one of his siblings. Currently a sign-language newscaster for the NBC affiliate in Portland, and a part-time instructor at Portland Community College, he is an officer of the Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf, a national organization of deaf lesbians and gays. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. (With one-hour lunch break) FEE: $45 Location will be in the West Hollywood area For more information, or to register for this workshop, call the IGLE office at 310/652-1786 or mail ***************************************************************** The Institute of Gay and Lesbian Education is now beginning its third year. This term several 1 day seminars and workshops, and various special events will be offered throughout the fall. To get a complete catalog, to be added to the mailing list, or for more information, e-mail the IGLE office at "" or telephone the office at (310) 652-1786.