Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 20:13:52 -0400 (EDT) From: A Jay Eddy Subject: On Dornan's Aide Coming Out May 9, 1997 For Immediate Release Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida P.O. Box 1281, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33302 E-mail: "Awareness Through Education-Responsibility Through Involvement" *************************************************************** May 9, 1997 For Immediate Release SALUTE TO BRIAN BENNET.... As Ellen Opens More Doors How Will Fundamentalists and LesBiGay Activists Deal With the Hurt? The Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida, its members, and friends salute Brian Bennett on his decision to come out of the closet. Like Mel White, others before him, and those yet to come it is and has to be an agonizing choice. No one relishes giving up promising careers, certain family members, and friends in order to tell the world about their private lives and sexual orientation. Let us hope and pray that he will be afforded the same loving, caring, and welcoming reception now afforded Rev. Mel White who worked under similar circumstances but now proves a powerful adversary and challenge against those he once served. "LesBiGay activists are credited with prying the closet door open but how we deal with the hurt on both ends, as the healing process is addressed, is crucial" noted Mof Warren, FLCCF president. We hope that Brian will consider joining with Log Cabin and stand side-by-side with individuals like former Rep. Steve Gunderson. We believe that his expertise in Republican politics can be used to further the cause of equality of rights for all especially within the "Party of Lincoln" which is under siege by those who would deny access because of sexual orientation alone. "Now that Ellen has swung the closet door wide open and further around the world than ever before, may those in the community who have faced long and hardened discrimination deal with an acceptance challenge compassionately. Obviously what's now happening is an end result of our activism" noted Warren. Godspeed, much support, our love to Brian and his life- partner in whatever choices they make now and in the future. What women and men like Brian do takes a great deal of personal fortitude and sacrifice. We salute and welcome all of them.