Date: Sun, 7 Jan 1996 12:09:11 -0800 From: (Jessea NR Greenman) Subject: Act *now* to support Der for Deputy Superintendent in CA! from California State Board of Education minutes of November '95 meeting: State Superintendent Delaine Eastin nominated Henry Der for the position of Deputy Superintendent for External Affairs. Mr. Der is currently Executive Director of Chinese for Affirmative Action, a San Francisco-based organization. The Board interviewed Mr. Der at some length, then initially appointed him to the position. Subsequently, the Board reconsidered and reversed that decision, determining instead to interview Mr. Der at more length so that he might respond to some additional questions that arose after his departure from the meeting. --- Notes from The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project: Mr. Der is a long-time friend of the LGBT community and would be very supportive of our issues were he to be confirmed in the position for which he has been nominated, Deputy Superintendent for External Affairs. Mr. Der is also an articulate advocate for civil rights and human rights for all peoples. The CA State Board is due to act ANY DAY to finalize its decision re Mr. Der. Please FAX the Board (they don't have email!!!) at 916-657-4975 to indicate your strong support for Mr. Der's nomination. Please address your comments to Mrs. Marion McDowell, Board President, and ask that they be copied to all eight other Board members. ALSO, cc your letter to Superintendent Eastin at EMAIL= While you are writing to the Board, please also ask whether their new (adopted Nov. '95) safe schools regulations ["designed to provide for consistent reporting of crimes on school campuses"] include provisions for reporting and tracking of hate crimes, particularly hate crimes based on actual or perceived sexual orientation. A bill to accomplish this [by Barbara Lee, Assembly] had been pending but the Board did not take a position in support of the bill and the Governor said such legislation was not needed BECAUSE the matter could be addressed within the school policy system, i.e. by the Board. Has the Board done so? We doubt it, so go ahead and ask. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ YOU MAY RE-POST. Jessea Greenman The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project*; ph/fax: 510-601-8883, 586 62nd St. Oakland, CA 94609-1245 Gopher to "" Web sites: The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project is *always* looking for volunteer organizers. Please cc us (for our files) on correspondence you send or receive re our action alerts. *Public Education Regarding Sexual Orientation Nationally.