Date: Thu, 1 Feb 1996 16:53:20 -0800 From: Ron Buckmire Subject: Senator Lockyer contact info California's Republican-controlled state Assembly approved A.B. 1982 yesterday, which would forbid recognition of same-sex marriages performed out of state. The bill now moves to the state Senate, where Democrats still hold a narrow margin. They *desperately* need receive letters of opposition, especially since the Democratic majority includes some conservative members who may be tempted to support A.B. 1982. If it passes, Governor Wilson will almost certainly sign it into law. Contact Senator Bill Lockyer, the Senate Democratic leader. This way he receives a copy, and your letter will also be sent to your own state Senator. Snail-mail letters and faxes are weighted more heavily than e-mail: e-mail: snail-mail: Senate pro-tem Bill Lockyer, State Capitol, Sacramento, Ca. 95814 fax: 916 323 2234 And pass this information on! Date: Thu, 1 Feb 1996 17:44:01 -0800 From: Ron Buckmire Subject: Reply from Senator Lockyer I expect EVERYONE on this list to send Mr Lockyer a piece of email! DO IT NOW! ---ron From: Senator.Lockyer@SEN.CA.GOV Date: Thu, 01 Feb 1996 16:41:30 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: AB 1982 (anti-gay marriage bill) To: --------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your message. Since it is legislative protocol for a Senator to respond to his or her constituents, we would appreciate knowing your address in order to forward your message to the appropriate Senator, if necessary. Please be assured that I will respond to you as soon as possible. Sincerely, BILL LOCKYER State Senator Office Telephone Number: (510) 582-8800 Office Mailing Address: Senator Bill Lockyer 22634 Second St., Ste. 104 Hayward, CA 94541 Version 2-June-1994 ----------------------------------------------------------