Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 06:37:00 -0800 From: (Jessea NR Greenman) Subject: History Textbook Alert NEWS RELEASE MAY 26 1995 CONTACT Jessea Greenman, Co-Founder, Project 21, , 510-601-8883 Final Chance to Tell State What You think ought to be in the History Books Are you in favor of fair, diverse and accurate history books inclusive of LGBT people? Bravo, then, but unfortunately the State of California seems leery of committing to "truth in labeling" when it comes to historical figures. State educational policy makers still are loath to approve classroom study materials which tell the truth about the sexual orientation of many famous people. Their failure to do so represents abandonment of their responsibility to teach truth and to provide dignity and respect for all individuals in school settings. Project 21 calls upon all those interested in truth and justice in public education to participate in the "follow-up adoption" of History/Social Science curricular materials. The books California adopts influence the textbook market throughout the nation due to the economics of publishing. From May 19th through June 19th, curricular materials being proposed for use in California's classrooms (and elsewhere around the nation) are on display at Learning Resource Display Centers (LRDCs) throughout the state. Now is the time that citizens can visit these centers to view the materials and critique them. You can be CERTAIN that the minions of the radical religious right wing are doing just that. Our voices also must be heard in this process. For a complete list of California's LRDCs, please email . You can make a huge difference in the lives of school children, queer or not, by standing up now for historical truth. Out young people deserve role models. Straight youth need the facts if they are to avoid falling into the abyss of ignorance and prejudice, an abyss created by our public school system when it ignores the contributions of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgendered people to world civilization. After viewing the materials, fill out a comment postcard at the LRDC. OR, better yet, send your thoughts via letter directly to the State Board of Education. The Board can be reached at 721 Capitol Mall; P.O. Box 944272, Sacramento CA 94244-2720. Send to the attention of Board President Marion McDowell, and ask that your comments be circulated to all members of the Board. Comments must reach the State Board by June 8th. On that date the Board makes adoption recommendations. Tell the Board that materials which totally omit mention of the vital roles played by LGBT throughout world history and in ALL the world's civilizations are materials which LIE to children. Remind the Board of its moral duty to EDUCATE young people and to provide truthful materials. You may also write to the individual publishers. For a list of all publishers of proposed history/social science materials and their addresses, email . *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CROSS POST WITH ATTRIBUTION Jessea Greenman Co-Founder, Project 21; ph/fax: 510-601-8883 586 62nd St. Oakland, CA 94609-1245 "All persons, regardless of sexual orientation, should be afforded equal opportunity within the public education system." National Education Association, 1988