Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 06:27:16 -0800 From: (Jessea Greenman) Subject: Action Alert FOR ART'S SAKE The California Curriculum Commission is currently revising the Visual and Performing Arts Framework, which will set guidelines for the textbooks used in public schools, grades K-12. The Framework covers dance, music, theater, and visual arts. The current Visual and Performing Arts Framework artfully dodges lesbian, gay and bisexual references. Though it specifically mentions such artists as Alvin Ailey, Langston Hughes, and Freida Kahlo, no mention is made of their gay or bisexual identities. In fact, the current Framework ignores queer art altogether. The Framework's heterosexism is as repugnant as it is ironic, since the Curriculum Commission specifically asserts that art is a way for students to learn about cultural diversity. Even if you do not live in California, let the Commission hear from you; as a leading purchaser of textbooks, California sets national standards for the content of books used across the country. Urge the Commission to rework this closeted curriculum. Send comments to Charlene Gould, Chair, Visual and Performing Arts Subcommittee, Curriculum Commission, c/o CFIR Office, 721 Capitol Mall, 6th Floor, P.O. Box 944272, Sacramento, CA 94244-2720, fax 916-657- 5437. COMMENTS ARE DUE TO THE COMMISSION BY MARCH 1, 1995. *+*+*+*+*+*+ Jessea Greenman Co-Chair, Project 21, GLAAD/SFBA 1360 Mission #200, San Francisco CA 94103 ph/fax @ home: 510-601-8883; "What do you call kinky computer sex? Mirage a trois." Anonymous