Date: Fri, 14 Oct 94 10:50 PDT From: "Meredith K. Lyon 53960" Forwarded by request of Al Aubin, Past President, Council of UC Staff Assemblies. UC Top Administrators Indicate Support for National Coming Out Week "Message From President J. W. Peltason" I appreciate this opportunity to affirm the University of California's commitment to seeing that our campuses continue to be communities that welcome the strengths and contributions of the diverse individuals they embrace, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, or another personal characteristic. At the most basic level, this commitment is reflected in the University's longstanding concern about protecting individuals against discrimination. UC policies are very clear in this regard, and we work hard to see that their spirit is encouraged and respected throughout the University community. Beyond these basic protections, I want the Universitry's lesbian, gay, and bisexual community to know that I consider it essential to ensure that broad discussion and consultation occur on issues important to you, including such matters as whether benefits should be provided for domestic partners on the same basis as spouses of employees. Members of my senior staff and I have met with thew UC Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Association to discuss this and other issues of concern, and we plan future meetins as well. I have also asked my staff to review the Academic Council's important reports and recommendations on benefits for non-spousal domestic partnerships, and to follow closely legislative developments at both the State and national levels. The dialogue we have begun will continue in the spirit of study, consultation, and debate that is one of our great strengths as a university. I want to thank the members of the UC Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Association for their constructive role in this dialogue. And I also want to take this occasion to thank the members of the University's lesbian, gay, and bissexual contributions you have made, and will continue to make, to the University and its important missions." Jack W. Peltason President, The University of California (Note: The University of California is comprised of 9 campuses and 2 labs. They are: UC San Diego, UC Irvine, UC Riverside, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, UC Berkeley, UC San Francisco, UC Davis, Lawrence Berkeley Labs, Los Alamos Lab.)