Date: Sat, 16 Jul 1994 17:46:01 -0400 [ Send all responses to ] I just heard on the news that a San Diego Superior Court Judge has ruled against a group calling themselves the "Normal People" contingent which had applied to march in tomorrow's San Diego Lesbian and Gay Pride Parade. The contigent's application indicated that their mission was to "protest the homosexual agenda." Their application was denied by the parade committee, and the group went to court seeking an injunction to allow them to participate. The judge ruled in favor of the San Diego Lesbian and Gay Pride Committee, on First Amendment grounds. The "Normal People" contingent has been heavily promoted on the Roger Hedgecock radio talk show on KSDO-AM. Hedgecock is a former mayor of San Diego who was forced to resign from office after a jury found him guilty of campaign violations. In his campaigns for mayor, Hedgecock sought and received support from the lesbian and gay community. Since becoming a talk show host, Hedgecock has become a heterosexual supremacist extraordinare. I post additional information as details become available.