Date: Wed, 23 Nov 1994 13:45:30 -0500 Reply-To: jwbales@AOL.COM [ Send all responses to jwbales@AOL.COM only. Any responses to the list or list-owners will be returned to you. ] The last remaining roadway sign marking the one-mile stretch which the Auburn Gay and Lesbian Association pledged to keep litter-free was stolen sometime during the weekend of the Alabama-Auburn football game. It took fifteen months for the group to recieve the two signs--one marking each end of the adopted mile--after applying to participate in the program in October of 1992. The group's application was held up 'for review' by the Alabama Department of Transportation, before finally being approved. When the two signs were installed in January, 1994, one of them was stolen immediately. (The sign next to the Kappa Alpha fraternity house was stolen in January within two hours of being installed. Although the theft occured during the afternoon rush hour, no witnesses responded to the $100 reward offer for information.) The other sign was soon vandalized and ripped down, although it was recovered and re-installed next to the fraternity house, where it was repeatedly vandalized. A replacement sign at the other end of the mile was soon stolen. The City of Auburn moved the heavily vandalized remaining sign one block away from the fraternity house, where it remained until this last weekend. The AGLA has been informed that the Department of Transportation no longer makes Adopt-A-Mile signs, and thus, the stolen sign cannot be replaced. The group, however, is expected to keep the one-mile section of roadway litter-free, signs or no signs.